Chapter 5

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Y/n was outside training hard to prepare for the entrance exam in a few months. She was finally going to make her dreams happen.

She took a break after a while and examined the few spells that she had in her grimoire. They were unique and a lot of them were creation magic spells. She had many offensive spells and few defensive ones. That was something she took a mental note on so she could work on it.

She heard the pitter patter of footsteps coming her way. Whoever it was sounded like they were running.

Her e/c eyes glanced in the direction of the noise, only to see a very energetic boy running towards her. Behind him was a very quiet and timid boy. It was no mistake that it was Asta and Yuno.

Y/n smiled at the two of them and stood up to greet them.

"Y/n!" Asta yelled and quickened his pace. Yuno tried to keep at the same place as Asta but it didn't seem like it was working too well.

Asta halted in front of Y/n with a huge smile on his face.

"Please let me train with you Y/n!" Asta exclaimed, making the older girl quite confused.
"Why do you want to train?" She asked, complexed by the boy's request.
"I would also like to train too." Yuno's voice was heard as he finally got within hearing distance.

Asta, what did you do to poor Yuno? 

"You still haven't answered my question," Y/n stated. "Why do you two want to train with me?"

The boys looked with grins on their faces. They both said at the same time,

"We're going to become the Wizard King!"

Asta, what the hell did you do to also give Yuno this idea? Was it the night when they both came back pretty beaten up? What the hell happened when they were out there? Did Yuno get hit with some drug? He isn't as timid as he used to be. Maybe it's for the better?

The questions kept going through her mind as she tried to decide what to do. She eventually sighed and looked at the two of them with a smirk.

"Alright then. I'll let you train with me. But first, you two need to build up some muscle. You can't always rely on magic to help you. Mental and physical training is what I do. I also do magic training since that is what magic knight captain's look for. Magical ability and how you are in combat. So are you two ready to push yourselves?"

The two boys looked absolutely determined to do this. They must really want to be the Wizard King. Something that Y/n never really thought about. She just wanted to be a magic knight so she could protect and help people. She may even try to find her birth parents and help them with their struggles.

Y/n gave both the boys a sack of rocks that weighed about 10 pounds. Both of them looked quizzically at the sack.
"This is how you two will start out. Those sacks weigh 10 pounds. I need to see how much you can handle before we get serious. So in the meantime, start doing a set of 15 curls each arm."

Yuno and Asta nodded and started to get to work. They struggled at first but with a few pointers from you they started to get the hang of it.

While they were doing physical exercises, you were doing your own work with your dark magic. You figured out that you can wrap your dark magic around basic weapons and enhance the power in the weapon.

You had practice in archery so a bow and arrow is what you used to practice incorporating your magic in.

Dark magic circled the tip of the arrow in a thick cloud of dark purple. There were a few targets in front of you that you were using to practice your aim. You never been able to hit the middle of the target, but you were working on it.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 (𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now