Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


The world was spinning faster than a whirlwind, and everything felt so oozy. The music loudens around me and I lost my balance. Lost my mind.

My stomach twisted with nausea as reality continued to slip away. It was getting harder and harder to stay standing or to even form a coherent thought that didn't make me want to laugh.

At what? I don't know.

My stomach twisted again, forcing me to grab a random bag from one of the lawn chairs and release my insides.

Before I could finish, someone snatched the bag from my hand and I ended up finishing on my feet. It felt warm against my skin and tiny pieces of whole food slid their way between my toes. I moved my toes to let them slide to the ground, fascinated by the way they moved so smoothly.


I heard the cry of disgust and turned to face the snatcher. She glared at me with her purse in one hand and her other hand completely covered with the goo. My smile turned into a laugh and before I knew it, I was showering her with another round of puke...

Two Hours Earlier...

"I'm fine," I told Jessie as I staggered towards the gazebo.

She raised a brow at me as if to suggest otherwise. I shrugged her off and raised my drink to my lips again, but before I could take a sip, she was snatching it from me.

"You're not fine Dani, you're drunk. I don't know why you accepted my brother's stupid challenge." She sighed, sitting on my lap. I wrapped my hands around her tightly.

"It was fun."

She turned her head to kiss my nose. "You're fun... but not when you're drunk."

I pretended to be offended. "Is that so?"

"Yes. You get all lazy."

I smiled. Where was the lie? "If you would have a drink with me, we could be drunk and lazy together then go to your house and do not-so-much-sleeping."

She rolled her eyes, easing herself off me. "No. I'm driving. The driver can't be drunk."

"We can call Uber!"

She hesitated as if she was thinking about it. "I don't want to leave my car here."

"Nothing's going to happen to it." I reached for her hand, kissing it lightly. "I'll get you a new car if anything happens to it."

She chuckled, shaking her head. "Unbelievable."

"So, is that a, yes?"

"No. I'm just shocked that you want me to drink so badly that you'd buy me a whole car even though you can't afford to."

"That's how much I know nothing is going to happen to your car. And it's not that I want you drunk. I've seen the way you work hard. I've seen how hard you push yourself to be great. Tonight, I just want to see you, be you relax and let yourself have fun!"

She blushed. "Fine. One drink."

I flew up from my seat and shove my phone towards her. "Hold my phone. I'll be back with the perfect drink for a queen."

I made my way to the kitchen, but by the time I got there, I could hardly remember what I went for. Salsa and chips were at the buffet, along with a large bowl of punch. I helped myself to some; absent-mindedly pecking away the snack.

Carter came into view. He was wearing only swimming trunks, and he was still freshly wet from the swimming pool. He walked up to me with a big smile on his face, as if we were friends, but we were so not friends.

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