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Crackling fire battled with faint chatter as Althea tried to gather her senses. The white canvas before her turned into an unfamiliar room as her vision became clear. Stretching her sore body, she turned her head to examine her surroundings. From what she could see, she was laying on a beige couch in a room with very strong minimalist vibes. A knitted blanket warmed her skin as she lay on her back. She looked around the room and took in her surroundings. A small stack of books lay on top of the oat colored coffee table. Posters which encouraged BLM movements were placed in photo frames around the TV, which was on top of the fireplace. Her vision was still slightly blurry, but she managed to focus on the two vague shapes moving around the apartment. 

Where am I?  She thought to herself. Althea's throat was sore and her mouth tasted like iron.

With a better look at the figures, she realized they were the two same men who had helped her when she got tear gassed. She attempted to sit up then made a small shriek as an immense pain engulfed her arm. They turned around sharply and walked over to her.

"Our wounded soldier is finally up," Tank chuckled as Riot elbowed him, "So how are you feeling?"

"Well, my throat is really dry-" Althea paused as she was handed a glass of cold water from Riot. She realized that she hadn't really heard him speak that much, but she didn't mind. She took a few gulps, then placed the glass on the coffee table. Althea glanced at the white clock on the wall and saw that the time was 6pm. There was currently a protest going on, and she had to be there. She attempted to stand up, but was pushed down by Tank.

"I have to get to the protest," She winced as she accidentally bumped her shoulder on the back of the couch.

"Have you forgotten about the wound on your shoulder? I'm going to the protest, Riot will take care of you while I'm gone," Tank stood up and put his gloves back on his hands. Throughout the whole time that Althea was conscious, Tank and Riot had been in their protective gear. She assumed it was to protect their identities, but nonetheless, she wanted to see the faces behind the masks.

"I'll be back in around two hours," Tank put his backpack on and walked out of the room. She heard the door slam shut and huffed. Althea pulled the blanket over her shoulder and tried to take a nap, but couldn't fall asleep. She opened her eyes and spotted Riot staring at her, he put his hand behind his neck and sharply turned his head.

"Were you staring at me sleeping?" Althea teased him.

"No! Well- No!" Riot fidgeted in his chair as Althea laughed. She could tell that he was flustered, and now she was stuck in a room with him for two hours. What could possibly happen?

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