• Chapter Four •

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It's Friday. Hallelujah.

I've just gotten home from a long and tortuous day of school. I received my Trig quiz grade back, and I'm happily surprised with my mark. It's a lot better than I anticipated, considering I gave up studying half way through my revision session.

I'm currently lying on my couch, in my 'hobo-home-clothes' watching The Proposal. There's nothing like an old rom-com to end off a long, hard week.

I'm at the point where Ryan Reynolds approaches Sandra Bullock in the office. This part makes me cry. It's just so damn sweet.

My phone dings and I get a message from Wil.

Willow: Do you wanna catch up on that ice cream date I missed out on the other Day?

Willow has been training non stop this whole week for her dance competition in a weeks time, she's barely had time to relax.

Me: Just you and me?

I didn't feel like asking the whole group to join. I love them, but I need an afternoon off.

Willow: Yup. See you there in half an hour?

Me: Yup.

I head upstairs to quickly put on some decent clothes. I decide to go with a nude colour woolly sweater, with my black denim jeans, black boots and a big comfy black jacket to top it off.

After putting on some lip gloss and mascara, I grab my phone, purse and house keys, I head for the door

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After putting on some lip gloss and mascara, I grab my phone, purse and house keys, I head for the door.

It was a horrible, cold and windy trip to the shop. I really need to get my own car.

I'm frozen through to my core by the time I reach the shop, but when I walk in and the bell chimes overhead I let out a sigh of relief.

Even though it's ridiculously cold, there is never a bad time for ice cream. It helps that the shop has comfy booths, heating and I friendly atmosphere.

I see Willow texting on her phone in the corner booth, she looks up at me and smiles with a wave. She must've heard the bell of the door.

"You're late." She says with a smirk.

"It's freaking cold, which makes it difficult to move at a normal pace. And besides I'm only five minutes late." I say, still feeling myself thawing out.

The waitress takes our order and brings it only a few minutes later.

"How's your week been?" She asks me.

"Long and exhausting." I say with a sarcastic smile.

She giggles, catching the attention of a group of teenage boys sitting on the other side of the store.

She has the ability to capture people's attention in every room she walks into.

"And yours?"

"It's been long, I've been working so hard these past few weeks. I can't wait till I'm finally at the competition and the trading comes to a gentle pace." She says with a nervous laugh.

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