Chapter 5 Just keep smiling

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Lizzie's point of view:

I heard the door to my house open and close. Then I heard my mom say hello and next I heard someone frantically coming towards my bedroom door. I knew it was Maya. It was the obvious answer. She almost crashed my door to the ground! I could hear her panting and I threw her my water bottle that was sitting on the side table next to me. Once she caught her breath and she was able to talk, she pulled out the marvelous masterpiece she had worn last year to the formal. I was nervous that people would recognize the dress as the one Maya had already wore, but she assured me that nobody would remember the dress.

"We're gonna get your make up on first. I want you to look beautiful but subtle." Maya happily poked through my makeup collection and then she suddenly sadly sighed. "You don't have anything I can work with here!" That shouldn't surprise her. Ever since I got rid of my awful acne, I threw away all of my makeup. Well, expect for my eye makeup. "You're a lucky person you know that right."

"What do you mean Maya?" I was confused. She seemed so serious. Her moods changed so quickly when she was on her period. So I'm guessing that Maya must be on her journey on the Red Sea right now.

"You don't need coverup!" We both laughed. And now she was cheery again. This was gonna be one hell of a night! "Ok so because you don't need any make up, get into the dress and then I'll do your hair." I walked into my closet gripping the dress praying that it'll fit me.

My boobs were slightly bigger and my ass was rounder so I wasn't sure if it would be to tight. But I remember being a little lose on her so it should be just fine.

I put the red dress on and my golden sandals. I had painted my nails before she came over just like she had instructed me to do. I felt pretty. I hope I looked pretty.

While I was in my closet, I noticed my small heart shaped locket that I got from my brother on my 5th birthday. I was to young to appreciate it back then, but now it meant the world to me. We have this home video of my 5th birthday party. It was a garden party in my backyard. My dad was still living with us and same with my big brother Kyle. I remember how he gave me the necklace. Inside was a picture of our family. I wanted to cry just looking at how happy we were back then.

I was close to tears when I walked out of my closet and I was clutching my locket when Maya and I locked eyes. "Oh baby!" Maya ran over to me and embraced me in a bear hug. "If they could see you now, they'd be so proud of what a brilliant and beautiful young lady you've become." Maya always knew how to make me feel better. I always broke down when I saw this necklace. It was just so special.

"Hey, hey," Maya dried my tears and said, "this man better deserve you because I think you're to good for him!" I laughed. She kissed my head. She was taller then me by about four inches so she was able to bend down and kiss my head to support me.

"Let's fix my hair." I said. I had now fully recovered and I made my way to my bathroom vanity/sink area. I pulled out a small chair that was pushed underneath it and I sat down in it. Maya started off by bursting out all of the knots that had formed earlier in the day. She then straightened my hair and the next step was she curled the ends. She put about 1/4 of my hair in a neat bun, and let the rest hang down beneath it.

I felt good. I looked good.

When Maya was all done, she grab a bottle of perfume and spritzed me. I don't know what kind it was but I know it was something Chanel had produced recently. I smelled like a flower. I couldn't help but smile at my reflection.

"Whoa!" Maya stood in awe. "You look better then I ever did in that dress!" She then handed me golden hoops to wear instead of the cupcake earrings was currently wearing.

Maya took off her coat and she revealed the outfit she picked out. "Wow you chose the purple dress instead of the pink dress like Cameron asked you to?" I was shocked. Maya only did what she wanted to do.

"Yeah. I mean I think I love him and I want to please him. So I went with purple." She had a look in her eye that told me she was hiding something from me.

"Ok what's really going on?" I questioned Maya.

"Ok so I put on the pink dress but then I spilled my liquid eyeliner all over it so right now it's getting cleaned. I had to go with the purple." She confused.

"Just go with the first story when you see Cameron. It'll make him feel special." We laughed and we walked downstairs to where my mom was waiting for us. She had her camera in her hand and she was wearing the cheesiest smilie I've ever seen.

"Oh my girls! You both look stunning!" She pinched our cheeks which gave my cheeks the color they needed because I wasn't wearing any makeup. "Picture time!"

Maya and I had done this so many times. We got in our regular positions and smiled. Click. Click. Click. Click. My mom got over ten. Wow she liked to click that button down!

"We gotta run! Bye mom!" I yelled.

"Bye mom!" She was basically Maya's mom too. Maya spent more time at my house then I did! We climbed into Maya's hot new ride and we sped off. I lived out in the country so it would take us 30 minutes to get to Justin's house. But I didn't mind the ride.

James' point of view:

"She screwed things up!" I yelled angrily into my phone. "I think I actually like this girl and that bitch messed things up!" I was talking to Justin over the phone. I had told him I wasn't coming to his party and he said I had to give him a reason. So I told him the story and how I didn't want to face Annie or her bitchy friend. She'd probably freak out and spill beer on my head.

"Come on man!" Justin whined. "The Dully twins are gonna be there! They're so sexy, how could you pass this opportunity up?"

"I'm not in my mind. I can't stop thinking about that kiss. She's feisty and sassy. But classy and kind all at the same time! Dude, what's going on?"

"You need to get your mind off of her. Come to my party. Get drunk. Get laid. Get waisted. Live life!" He implied that I should forget about Elizabeth but how could I? No lady has ever treated me like that. She had some attitude but some sugar on the side of her spice.

"I'm losing it man!!!" I cried.

"Get ready and move your ass over here! Get here early so we can talk. I'm almost done rigging the bedrooms with spy cameras so I can see who got laid at my party. It's free porn!" Justin chuckled thinking he was such a smart guy.

"You know what, I'm gonna to go to your party after all dude! Let me just shower and change. I be there in 20!" I hung up after we confirmed. Justin lived 5 minutes away which was nice.

I got into my shower and soaked myself in soap. I tried to wash my memory away if Elizabeth but no matter how much body wash I used, the thought of her, the smell of her still stayed with me. I can picture her now. Her beautiful body in a sliming dress. I can smell her rich sent of flowers and nature. I've never been obsessed with any girl. I just let them fall all over me. Now things were backwards.

She was all I wanted. But she could care less.

Lizzie's point of view:

We arrived 10 minutes late but the party was in full swing and I love just waking into an energized party. Before Maya left me to go hunt down Cameron, I asked her if I looked ok. She replied by saying, "Sweetie, your the best looking girl in the county! Shut up and go make James jealous!"

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