Chapter 28 Deal

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Lizzie's point of view:

"Then?" Maya anxiously pleaded.

"Then, I answered his question." I stalled.

"Oh my f'ing God! Just tell me Lizzie. AFTER JAMES ASKED YOU OUT, WHAT DID YOU SAYYYYY!!!" She screamed into her phone and it came loudly ringing out of the other end and went straight into my ear.

"I said yes." And then Maya bursted out with the loudest scream ever.

"Oh my God!!!!" She squealed. "We can go on double dates now!!!!! Who else knows?"

"Nobody!" I hurriedly said. "We want to keep it low right now because of all the girls that'll threaten to cut my throat and James said that he doesn't want that to happen to me." I replied.

"Oh, yeah. I mean that one girl Carla was voted 99.99% to be an axe murder last year... remember?" Maya reminded me.

"Oh yeah, and the Tracy Hicks went missing and everyone thought Carla got her until we all found out that Tracy just moved away cause her dad got custody of her." I added.

"Hey, I still think Carla kill her!" Maya quickly snapped back before anyone could change the subject. "So tell me more about your date."

"It was magical." I smiled on the other side of the phone and Maya could probably tell how this subject sent little whirls of joy and happiness all throughout my body. "What happened was..."

(Still In Lizzie's Point Of View)

"Yes!" I cried as James tightly embraced me once more. After a few moments, his grip started to get tighter. Not in a way which made me feel like I was being strangled, but it made me feel loved. And that was all I wanted.

"I can't believe you said yes." James sighed, his voice clearly filled with relief.

"Why would you think that?" I question James as he let me go and took my hands in his.

"I don't know." He paused. "I was scared that if you would have said no then things would be awkward between us. And I wouldn't want that to happen."

"Oh." I said. James and I started down the short trail in the middle of a big field that was centered in the park. The path we were walking down was conveniently lit up by torches so we could see where we're going. "I hope you enjoy the food. I got it from Finlies." James commented.

"Ohhh, classy." James and I laughed and as the night went on, we had delightful conversations about our past and where we want to go in our future. "What!" I stammered, almost chocking on my drink. "I thought you would have wanted to become a professional football player on the MLB."

"Ok one, the MLB is baseball, you're talking about the NFL. And two, what's wrong about wanting to becoming a doctor?" James was clearly surprised by my reaction, but I was surprised by his answer. I was not expecting that when I'd ask James what he wanted to do, he'd reply by saying become a doctor!

"Nothing nothing. It respectable, and a small turn on for me." I giggled. "Why do you want to be come a doctor?"

"Well, mainly because I want to help people. My mom was sick when I was 14 and she almost died from cancer. But she survived because the doctors came up with a treatment. They saved her life and I want to be able to do great things like that. I know that the Hulk and Spider-Man don't really exist, so the closest thing we have to hero's are firefighters, police officers, and doctors."

"And of course the people that take your order at Taco Bell." I delightfully chirped in. That little comment sent James laughing like crazy. But when he finally got a hold of hisself, he replied to my comment.

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