Chapter 25 When the friend zone gets broken

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Lizzie's point of view:

The school year went on and it was now time for the big Halloween bash that the school threw every year. Most of the schools parties were lame so most people only attended the Winter Formal and Prom but the Halloween Bash was bound to be a successful event because the teachers weren't planing it and select students were.

"Are you going?" Maya chirped as I slammed my locker shut.

"To???" I knew what she was talking about but I just acted like I didn't care so then it didn't seem like a big deal when I didn't get asked to go with anyone.

"The Halloween Bash dummy!" Maya excitedly squealed.

"Oh. No I don't think so." I casually shrugged my shoulders as we walked towards the lunch room.

"This will be the first good Halloween part that the schools throwing!" She yelped. "You have to go!"

Then a strong arm flew around my shoulder and I immediately knew it was James. "Why hello there ladies." He squeezed my shoulder and winked.

"Hey." I said.

"Are you talking about the dance?" He asked us.

"Yes!" Maya squeaked. "Are you going to ask Lizzie?"

"Maya!" I yelled at her and playfully hit her on her arm. I did want him to ask me, but I knew he wouldn't. We were only friends. And it seemed like I'd be stuck in the friend zone for forever! Who am I kidding anyways! James only dates blondes and I'm a brunette and I'm not going to dye my hair just so he'll go out with me.

"I may or may not have a lucky girl in mind." He chuckled. "I'll meet up with you latter Elizabeth! I gotta go meet with Justin and Cameron!" James unattached his arm from my shoulder and he ran away into the lunch room while Maya and I slowly passed through the schools halls. We were taking our precious time.

"When do you think he'll ask you?"

"He wont!" I looked at her and then she got my message. My facial expression read: I like him but there can never be an 'US'.

"Why do you feel that way Lizzie?" Maya complained.

"Because he doesn't feel that way." I let out a slow sigh and continued explaining my heart to Maya. "We kissed a few times, but he's kissed almost every girl in this school." I stated. "They didn't mean anything to him, but they meant the world to me."

"If he didn't think you were worth it then why is he sticking by you? He usually dumps the girl he dates for forever and never looks back. Maybe he does feel something but he's just hiding it so he doesn't appear weak." Maya tried to reason with me but it was no use.

James' point of view:

"Maybe her?" Justin asked me.

"No. She spits when she speaks. And her hair is awful in the morning." I complained.

"Her?" Justin asked again.

"No. She stuffs her bra and has no ass." I plainly commented about Annie.

"Dude! I just need a girl that I can land!" Justin whined. "I'm not asking for a freaking princess!"

"That's impossible dude." I chuckled as I patted him on his back.

"How about your friend Lizzie?" Justin asked me.

"I highly doubt she'd go for you!" I remarked.

"What? Why not. She seems easy." Justin rudely said as he bit into his chicken sandwich.

"She's not man. So back off, gosh." I panicked and I found myself rolling my fists into balls.

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