Chapter 26 I'm not wearing wings

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Maya's point of view:

"No. This one just looks to slutty." I complained. "The french maid costume you just tried on doesn't show as much as this costume does!" I remarked.

"I'm not wearing wings." Lizzie said as she sat down and her slutty fair skirt rode up so I could see her lacy panties.

"Nice undies!" I commented. "Don't give up. You need to find the perfect costume."

"What are you going as?" Lizzie asked me while moms passed us by and gave Lizzie disapproving glances because of the costume she was wearing. But the dads looked twice!

"A princess!" I squealed. "I have this really pretty sequenced ball gown and a tall crown like the one the good witch wears in The Wizard Of Oz." I was very proud of my costume. I had to order it three weeks ago so I made sure I got the right size and the right color. People always swipe the silver ball gowns, but I got one this year! I wanted to be a princess last year but they were all out of the dresses. They didn't even had the gold dresses in stock! So I had to be a witch.

"Isn't there a different Halloween store we can go to?" Lizzie begged.

"Not unless you want to drive for three hours to get there." I huffed back. "Go change back into your clothes and we can go to the fabric store to get some materials. You'd be fine making your own outfit right?"

"I guess so. As long as I don't have to be a fairy I'll make my own costume."

Lizzie's point of view:

I walked back into the changing rooms for the 50th time when I noticed I had five missed calls from James. I sat down (still dressed as a perverted fairy) and called him back.

"Hey." I heard his sexy voice say. "I hope you haven't picked out your costume yet because
I have a surprise for you!"

"What is it?" I gasped.

"If I tell you then it isn't a surprise anymore."

"I hate you." I laughed into my phone.

"Can I come to your house in about one hour?" James asked me.

"Yeah that should give me enough time to put my wings away." I sarcastically said.

"What?" James couldn't see what I was dressed it which relieved me.

"I'm at Costume Spectacular with Maya and all the costumes for teens are way to inappropriate. Right now, I'm in a fairy outfit and my panties show when I sit." I told James.

"Where that one!" We both laughed. "I'm kidding. If they have a french maid one get that one instead!" His sexual jokes were perverted but funny. "I'm just joking. Don't buy anything! I have the perfect costume for you and don't worry, people won't be able to see you underwear when you sit."

"Thank god!"

"I'll see you in a hour!" James chirped as he hung up.

I then quickly got changed and dragged Maya out of the store and back to my house. I didn't have enough time to drop her off at her house because I had to clean up a little before James came over. And plus, my mom was working so she wasn't home and she didn't want me to be alone with a guy when there was a bed that was easy to access. So that's why maya was here also. Her job was to basically babysit me.

"Ugh this girl in this magazine picture is wearing way to much makeup. It's disgusting!" Maya smugly said.

"Hey, shut up and help me clean my room!" I told her. And of course, she just lay there, on my bed, ignoring me. "Thanks Maya, I really enjoy spending time with you because you're so helpful!" I sarcastically remarked.

"I know right!" Maya chuckled. "I'm such an amazing person!" She playfully hit me on my arm but she hit me with enough force and I almost fell down.


I heard the doorbell ring.


Maya jumped off of my bed and we ran to the front door to let James inside. "Hey Elizabeth, and Maya." I forgot to tell James that Maya had to be here and it caught him off guard.

"Hey." Maya said as she walked over and plopped down on my couch. "What's in the bag?" She gestured to a big black bag the James was clutching.

"It's for you Elizabeth." He said as he handed me the bag.

"Oh why thank you!" I said as I peaked inside. "It's so cute!" I squealed.

"I just need to make sure I got the rite size. I just kind of guessed. Can you go try it on?" James asked me.

"Yes!" I ran to the downstairs bathroom and came out in what seemed like seconds, but was really four or five minutes.

"Oh Lizzie! You look darling!" Maya commented.

"Yeah you look so cute." James said. "I just thought we could be matching." He said as he reached into his own bag and pulled out a guys Smurf's costume.

"Oh my god!" I ran over and hugged James as tight as I could. "This is going to be amazing!"

"But you will have to paint your face blue." James laughed. "I thought that might be a minor set back."

"No, no. I love it. It's really cute."

As I walked back into the bathroom to change, my cute skirt flounced up and down. I didn't care that I had to paint my face and neck blue, but I thought it was really sweet that James bought us matching outfits.

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