Chapter 12 Running from pain

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Lizzie's point of view:

The sun was brightly shining through my curtains and it was blindingly bright. I looked down at Maya sleeping on my air mattress and I saw her wincing from the Suns bright glow. I could smell the sent of pancakes float up to my room and it was inviting me to go downstairs and eat. "Maya, I'm gonna take a quick shower." I said as I quickly jumped out of bed and ran into my bathroom.

I didn't drink last night, but there was a deep smell of beer that was attached to me and I just had to get rid of it. Ten minutes latter I came out fully dressed and clean while Maya laid on her bed. She had to get up.

We were going to go to the mall today because she needed a new pair of sandals. I reasoned with her by saying things like: 'it's going to be winter soon, why don't you just get boots' and 'unless you plan on wearing sandals in the winter, you can buy them. But it'll be winter soon and it'll be -56 degrees so I don't think that would be a wise choice'. But of course... She didn't listen.

"Maya if you wanna eat then get your lazy butt up and hurry downstairs because I will eat you pancakes if you don't come soon." I threatened the blob that laid still. "Fine! I didn't want to do this to you but I guess I'll have to!" I went to the bathroom once more and I filled up a large cup with freezing cold water to pour on Maya's head. As I walked back into my room, I noticed where she was recently laying had been abounded. She must have know what I was thinking and so she quickly hurried downstairs because she didn't want to get splashed.

I then walked downstairs to join her and my mom at the table. But I kept the cup of water in my hand because I had to put it somewhere. And that somewhere was going to be Maya's head. "Morning baby!" Mom sang happily.

"Hi mom." I replied. I then traveled behind Maya to shock her but apparently she had noticed that I still contained the cup.

"If you want to keep your nose I highly suggest that you don't do that." Maya said as she stuffed her face with another pancake.

"I hate you." I said as I glumly walked away from her, leaving her hair as dry as it was when she arrived at my house at 3:50am.

"So what are you planning on doing girls?"

"We're gonna go shopping." I answered as I got a plate with three pancakes that was stacked up one by one. We talked and talked until every pancake that was cooked disappeared into one of our bellies. "Off we go!" I yelled to mom who was cleaning up in the kitchen. I grabbed my purse off of the coffee table and left with Maya.

We got into Maya's nice car and we sped off to the mall. When we arrived it was around 11:30 and the entrances were surrounded by young couples making out. As we awkwardly passed by them I got checked out by a few guys but I didn't pay them any attention.

We walked into four stores until we made our way to JC Penny. Maya was really picky and she was obsessed with finding the perfect pair of shoes. "We've been her for over two hours!" I complained. "When can we go look for something I want?" I asked her.

"If you want to find something then go look for it on your own. I'll text you when I'm done looking at this store and we can meet up at the entrance." Maya had a good idea but I didn't want to go alone.

"But I don't want to shop without you." I said.

"It'll only be for this one store." She assured me.

"Ok. Fine." I walked away from the shoe department and walked over to the dresses.

I was eyeing a really cute blue sundress when I heard familiar voice. "Are you finding everything ok Elizabeth?" It was James!

"How long have you been stalking me?" I questioned him as I walked over to a cute black cocktail dress.

"I'm not stalking you." James said. "I work here." Well that's great. "What are you looking for"

"Well I'm looking for a dress that says: I'm sexy but not a slut! And those are the hardest dresses to find" I stated. James laughed at that and a big gorgeous smile flew on to his face.

"That black one is a little to slutty. I like this red one over here. Try it on." He was right. The black one showed off to much so I walked over to the red one he was gesturing to.

"I feel like I wear red to much though."

"You look great in it so you should wear it!" He commented. I couldn't help but blush at his cheesy and kind of lame attempt to flirt with me. I don't understand why it was working!

"Alright." I said as I grabbed it in my size. "I'll try it on." James escorted me to the ladies changing room and he waited outside of it while I walked in.

I started to strip off all of my clothes and put the new dress on. Before I went out, I made sure that I looked good before asking James what he thinks.

I waltzed out of the ladies changing room when James eyes found me. I stopped walking and I froze. He looked up and down and just smiled. Then I continued to walk over to him and he did the same.

"Hello stranger." James said to me. "Well, don't you look sexy and not slutty!" I laughed at his complaint. "You look great Elizabeth."

"Really?" I bent my head down and when I did so a strand of my hair fell out from behind my ear and in front of my face. James gently pulled my head back up and pulled back my lost piece of hair. He softly tucked it behind my ear and smiled.

Our eyes locked once more and he said, "You're so beautiful Elizabeth." I blushed but I didn't pull my head away so he couldn't see the bright red tomatoes that had formed on my cheeks. When he noticed that he made me blush his smile grew bigger.

"I think your just saying that so I'll buy this dress."

"How did you know!" James sarcastically joked around.

"Alright. I'll get it." I giggled. "I'm gonna go change back now." I started to walk away when James called out to me.

"You really do look pretty Elizabeth." He paused as if he wasn't sure if he should say the next part of not. "You'd look good if you were wearing old sweat pants and over sized hoodie!" I laughed at his craziness! And I turned back to the changing room.

I carefully unzipped the dress and slid it off my body. Then I out my white jean shorts on and a red short sleeved shirt that I wore to the mall. I realized that I did wear a lot of red! I walked out of the changing room when I saw something that I didn't want to see.

Sarah had her arms tangled around James' neck and she was so close to him. She was talking to him but I could tell they wouldn't be talking for much longer. What a jerk! How was I so stupid to think that he'd like me!

I just stood there. Frozen. I was unable to move my feet from where I was standing. James was so close to Sarah's lips but he didn't move in to kiss her. I couldn't hear what they were talking about or make out the expression on James' face. All I knew is that I was pissed!

James looked over to the changing room searching for me. He found me. He saw me looking at Sarah holding him and my face was plastered with disbelief that he's hurt me again after he said he wouldn't!

I ran. I ran away from James and Sarah. I had dropped the dress but I didn't care. He was a jerk. He was a lier! What made me so surprised that I didn't already know this? I did. I just thought that he would change. I was wrong.

I went to the shoe department but I couldn't find Maya. Then I looked over at the check out and I saw her there buying a pair of shoes. I ran over to her. "I'll be out in the car." Then I ran out to the parking lot.

I ignored the people making out and I just ran straight to Maya's car. I had to get out of here. I had to.

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