Chapter 7 That bubbly feeling

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Lizzie's point of view:

He looked so sad. Almost scared. I felt bad because it was my fault he got hurt. I shouldn't have come to this party, I shouldn't have flirted with Dylan.

James was sitting on the counter in one of Justin's bathrooms. I took a wet wash cloth and gently wiped up some of the blood that had traveled down his cheeks. His eyes had purplish black marks by the corner of his eyes. But that didn't stop his beautiful green eyes from glowing.

"Thank you." That was the first thing spoken between us. It was weird just sitting in the silence so I decided that I'd reply.

"It's no big deal." That was all that came out. Not the fact the he was a lier and a jerk and he had hurt me. He looked nervous. But he wasn't shaking.

"Elizabeth, I'm really sorry about earlier in the bathr-"

"Don't." I said sternly. I stopped wiping his face and I looked into his eyes. His head was slightly hung down now and he looked like he wanted to cry. But he didn't. I mean people do have their reputation. He didn't want to hurt his. "I didn't meant to sound harsh." I paused. His head moved up so I could see his eyes. They were intensely green. I got lost in them. When I looked at him all my troubles just melted away. "It's just, I don't want to talk about it."

"Ok Elizabeth." Was his reply. In Ms. Jackson's class his voice was rough but now, it was soft and quiet.

"Why do you call me Elizabeth when everyone else calls me by my nick name, Lizzie?" I looked into his eyes once more and he did the same. I couldn't look away. I didn't want to. Finally I knew I had to focus on his injured nose. It took all of my strength to look away from his beautiful green eyes. But I had to.

"Everyone calls you Lizzie so what's so special about that?" He was still looking at me. I could feel his intense eyes burning me. Like he was staring deep into my soul. "Anyway, Elizabeth fits you so I want to call you that." He smiled. I smiled. He was gorgeous!

I can't. I'm not gonna do this! I'm not going to think this way anymore. He's a jerk. I've heard stories about him and now I know that they're true. Why can't he just leave me alone and stop making things so complicated.

"How bad is it?" He asked me. I then came out of my head and flew back into reality.

"Could be worse."

"What do you mean?" James asked as worried as can be.

"It could be broken, but it's not." I sighed. "Just bloody. Dylan was really close to breaking it though. Your lucky to be alive." James laughed at that making his smile grow bigger and bigger. I put the cloth down after I was done soaking up all the blood. His nose was no longer bleeding but it had become swollen.

"Thank you Elizabeth." He smiled as he hoped down the counter. We were so close. I could feel his body warmth on me. I slowly tilted my head up to look into his eyes. Wow he was sexy!

"No problem." I said as I smiled back. Was he going to try to kiss me? Why didn't he move away? What was he thinking?

He bent his head down so his lips were close to mine. He smelled so good. His peppermint sent filled the room. He leaned closer to me so then our mouths were barely apart. "I'm sorry." He said. James was once again talking about the photo that was taken at school. He should just drop it. Before I knew it his lips were on top of mine and he was kissing me. But worse of all... I kissed him back!

What is wrong with you! I yelled at myself. I need to get out of here! Why can't I back away from him? He wasn't holding me tight so I couldn't escape but I didn't have the power to draw away.

He placed his strong hands on my thin waste and he kissed me harder. I'm losing my mind! I came here to make him jealous not to kiss him again!!! I finally found the strength to pull away and I slowly did it.

We opened our eyes and he looked at me. He didn't look mad that I stopped kissing him, he looked like he understood. "I'm sorry Elizabeth." He hung his head down once more. "I shouldn't have kissed you." He could tell that I was still hurt. "I should have known better. How could a guy like me, ever get a girl like you."

"James," I was cut off by his next sentence.

"I'm a jerk Elizabeth!" He walked over and sat down on the toilet and he buried his head in his hands. "I go around dating every girl and now I hurt one that I actually care about." He was close to tears. I could hear it in his voice.

"James," I didn't know what to say. I walked over to him and I took his hand. I just held it. That sure did get his attention!

He looked up into my eyes. Our hands were still together when a single tear rolled down his delicate face. "I'm sorry." He finally chocked out.

"I know." I understandingly replied. "It's ok."

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