Chapter Eight

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I lay in bed thinking for a while that night. My brain kept coming up with the same conclusion: I was one sad, sick little bastard.

Why? Well for one I was hanging out with a killer. Said killer had also tried to kill me... a couple times.

So why was I laying there longing to see him again?

'Dammit Sky, you like him,' my subconscious started banging her head against the wall.

"No," I said out loud. "I swear I don't."

'Oh, but you do. And your gonna end up screwed, hurt, and maybe even dead for it. Good job.'

I groaned and rolled over. Another reason I was a sad, sick little bastard: I kept freakin' talking to myself.

This whole deal with Slender man was really messing with my head. My friends at school were starting to notice.

"Hey Sky, are you okay?" my best friend Drew finally asked me Wednesday. Her big brown eyes were full of worry.

"Yeah, I've just got a lot on my mind," I told her, looking down.

"Wanna talk about it?" For a moment a seriously considered telling her everything, but I stopped myself. Drew was sweet and understanding, but I wasn't sure even she could keep from looking at me like a looney after I told her a story like mine.

"Naw," I said. "It's not important."

"Okay." She leaned across the lunch table and gave me a hug. "I'm here if you need me girl, kay?" She smiled at me warmly.

"I know Drew," I smiled back. "So how are you and Richard doing?" I changed the subject. Instantly my friend launched into detail about everything they'd said and did on their last date.

Inwardly I sighed, jealous of how carefree her life was. I remembered when my life had been like that. Had it really only be a few weeks ago?

I felt watched everywhere I went. I couldn't focus in school, at work I kept screwing up orders, at home... well, I guess my family didn't notice much of a difference. They were caught up in their own stuff.

I dreamt about him almost every night. Sometimes the dreams were good... and other times I would wake up screaming.

Friday night I decided to go for a walk again.

"You're really screwing with my head," I accused him the moment I saw him.

He looked amused. "It's called 'Slender sickness' I do believe," he said.

"Yeah, well, I don't like it," I grumbled. "Is there any cure for it?"

"Not for you." He chuckled.

"Why not!" I said, exasperated.

"Because the best way to get rid of it is for me to leave you alone, and that's not going to happen."

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a stalker."

I shivered at that wolfish grin. Again. "I know." He brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"How come you can touch me, but you don't like it when I touch you?" I wondered aloud.

Slendy gave me a strange look. "When did I ever say that?"

"You didn't. I figured it out," I told him, perhaps a little bit smug.

"I never really thought about it, honestly." He said looking off into the woods. "I guess I'm just not used to humans purposefully making contact with me," he mused.

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