Chapter Nine

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The next morning dawned bright and early for me. I rolled over in my bed and heard the crumple of paper. Confused, I opened my eyes and saw a piece of loose leaf paper. Scribbled on it was a stick figure drawing of my favorite monster and the words. 'Come to the park at noon.'

I snorted. "How ironic." Now I really did feel like I was in the Slender game.

I didn't know why, but I just felt like dressing up today. After my shower, I dug in my closet looking for the perfect outfit. I ended up settling on a black, form fitting v-neck sweater and red skinny jeans. I laced up my black converse and then turned my attention to my face. 'Hm, needs some work,' I murmured while digging for my mascara and eyeliner. After my make-up was done I drug my hair over one shoulder and fish tailed it. With a satisfied, "humph," I told my parents I was going out for the day and set off on foot for the park. I wasn't sure were exactly in the park he would be, and I was a little early, but I figured he'd find me none the less.

"Hey Baby," a voice slurred from the other side of the road and I heard the laughter of several men. I looked over my shoulder and saw Brian Hobbs, a senior like me and our town's local bad boy. His little groupies stood with him, so wasted they were almost falling all over each other.

I narrowed my eyes. "Drunk already boys? It's not even noon yet." I keep my voice cool, clearly saying 'stay away.'

"Naw sweet lips, our party just ended. We're set for the day. Unless you wanna come start a new one with us?" More drunken laughter.

I gave a cold laugh. "Please, like I'd go anywhere with you."

"Hey hey, that sounds like a challenge Brian," one of his groupies said.

"You're right Cole," he grinned at me hungrily. "You know I love a challenge." He started crossing the street towards me, the others following.

"You seriously aren't that stupid, are you? You're going to try and attack me in broad day light?" I asked, backing up.

"There's no one around," another boy said.

"No one to hear you scream."

"You're quite a looker, ain't ya bitch?"

"She gotta nice ass, huh?"

"I'd like to see her without all them clothes on though."

I started to panic. They had me surrounded now.

"Hey, DJ, go start the car," Brian said. The smallest of the boys ran back across the street to a pickup truck parked on the curb.

"Don't you dare touch me," I spat as they closed in. I brought my fists up in front of me, ready to fight.

"Suck my dick, bitch." I didn't even see it coming. A sharp pain like lightning struck me in the back of the head. The last thing I heard before everything went black was more drunken laughter.

The darkness was suffocating. It pressed on my head, clogging my senses. The pain in the back of my skull was like a pulsing splash of red. I was searching for my eyes, I needed to open them, but I couldn't find them. I tried looking for my mouth next. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't find it either. 'Is this how Slender man feels?' a part of me wondered.

Eventually the darkness started morphing and the pain became more like white noise. As a park scene started to paint itself in my mind, I realized I was dreaming...

Slender man stood there, just out of sight behind a tree by the lake. He kept looking around as if expecting someone. 'Where is she?' he wondered. Doubts started to flood his dark mind. Was this what getting stood up felt like?

After a few more minutes he made up his mind to go check her house. Maybe something had held her up there. Taking a step forward he teleported instantly to her room. She wasn't there either.

Slender man was starting to get uncomfortable now. Where was she? Again he teleported, this time ending up in the tree line beside the side walk leading to the park. A smell caught his attention. It was an aroma he knew well, and was perhaps one of his favorite fragrances.


He sniffed out the source and found a small splatter on the concrete.

"Oh God," he whispered in horror. It was her blood.

Instantly livid with rage the Tall One stretched to almost twenty feet in hight. I hiss escaped his mouth and his tentacles swirled madly around in a frenzy.

"They will die for this," he vowed, already scouring the sight for more clues. "I will find my Sky, and they will pay for her blood."

The dream ended as the darkness and pain took over again.

'Oh Slendy...'

If I could have found my eyes, I would have been crying.

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