Chapter Seventeen

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I started stammering. I'd even shocked myself. "I m-mean, uh, that wasn't wha- what I... Um... Shit..." I trailed off.

"Hm. Feisty," Trender commented. Pause. "I knew there was something I liked you!"

"Oh, uh, thanks?" I was a little bewildered and still a little bit scared. Only a dumb ass like me would yell at a room full of Slenderfolk. I wasn't dead yet though and Trender at least seemed to forgive me, so I was guessing that was a good sign.

I glanced at Splendor and he cocked his head at me curiously, reminding me so much of his brother. He didn't look mad either though, so I turned my gaze to Slendy.

He was looking at me funny and for a moment I wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but then he stooped and kissed me on the top if my head. "You never fail to surprise me little one," he said. His brothers started cracking jokes, but he silenced them with a look.

I felt better now, knowing my life wasn't about to end. That's always a nice feeling, you know?

"Anyway Sky," Trendy said, "you didn't answer my question a moment ago."

"Well, we met in the woods," I said.

Trendy stared. "Go on," he prompted, unimpressed.

"I was deer hunting."

"Ew, please tell me you weren't wearing camo!" he begged. "That look was out so long ago, it's practically been mummified."

I glared at him, a little offended. I loved camo. "Says the guy wearing a grandpa sweater," I snapped.

Trender was in his feet in a flash, "Oh no you did not," he hissed.

The Slender man busted out laughing behind me. I didn't think I'd ever seen him laugh like that. Splendy nearly fell off the love seat he was laughing so hard as well.

Their laughter seemed to fuel his temper even more. "This style is it girly, and it was designed by yours truly!" Trendy almost snarled.

I put my hand over my mouth to hide my smile. "Would have been better in camo."

"Human!" the Trender man warned. Like his youngest brother, he seemed to get taller the angrier he got. He must have been almost ten feet tall now. He was looming over me, having to stoop slightly to keep his head from hitting the ceiling. I'll admit though, it was a little ominous. That didn't stop me from saying what I did next though.

"Oh, and some crocs."

"OH FUCK NO!" Trender screeched.

Slendy scooped me up in his arms before Trendy could strangle me and mutter the laws of fashion over my corpse. "My, would you look at the time! I'd better be taking you home little one," he said quickly.

I just barely managed to squeak out a farewell to the fuming pale man in his 'designer' sweater and the other pale man in a polka dot suit before the scene changed and it was just Slendy and me in my living room.

Slendy spun me around in a circle, hugging me close. He was laughing out loud. "Sky, you just made my day - no, my century," he said, nuzzling his face against mine.

"Am I going to have to worry about Trender coming to kill me now?" I asked.

"No, he'll be over it by tomorrow," he assured me.

"I dunno, he looked pretty pissed," I said.

"Yes, he did, didn't he?" Slendy had a huge grin plastered on his face that reminded me slightly of the Splendor man's goofy smile. I decided that would not be a good observation to voice, however.

Slendy crushed his lips to mine and kissed me before swinging me in another circle. He laughed again.

"You're in a really good mood," I commented a little dizzy.

He flopped down on my couch, still holding me so I was laying on top of him. "Indeed," he said. "You, my little Sky, just insulted my brother. You have no idea how hilarious that was to me. It's when you do things like that I realize just how much I love you."

I froze the moment he said the words 'I love you.' He felt me go ridged in his arms, and realized a split second later why. He actually blushed.

"Oh dear. I just said that out loud, didn't I?" he asked, his voice tense.

"That you love me? Um, yeah I'm pretty sure you did," I said, also blushing. Wow. So the Slender man was in love with me. What a humbling thought.

'You're screwed woman,' my subconscious laughed at me. Love was a scary word.

"Did you... really mean that?" I asked him shyly.

He was silent for a moment, completely serious now. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't. I mean everything I say," he said slowly as if picking his words carefully.

"Oh, okay," was my simple reply.

Awkward silence.

I knew he was waiting for me to say I love you too, but I wasn't sure I was ready. Slender men, child killers, and teenage rapists I could handle. Love? That was a whole other ball park.

Love was scarier. It had the power to give you everything you'd ever wanted, and then take it away. Love could make you feel like you were someone special, and then when it was gone would leave you feeling worthless. Love was a weapon. It was too easy to destroy someone in love. Love made you narrow minded and weak. It made you do stupid things that you'd regret for rest of your life.

I couldn't afford to be weak.

I cleared my throat and decided to change the subject. "How long are your brothers staying with you?"

Slendy took a moment before responding as if his mind was somewhere else and it took him a couple seconds to catch up with the conversation. "They leave Monday," he answered distractedly, his expression unfathomable. The subtle hint of sadness in his voice made me wonder if I'd hurt him by not telling him I loved him. I dismissed the thought quickly. I wasn't going to say it, so it wouldn't do me any good to dwell.

"Would you like me to come over again tomorrow then?" I asked.

His face was emotionless still. "If you wish."

I kissed him softly. "I do wish," I said, "so long as you want me there."

A ghost if a smile broke his impassive gaze. "I will always want you my little one," he said.

"Good, 'cause you'd have a hard time getting rid if me by this point," I teased, trying to lighten the mood again.

"Oh really?" His smile was genuine this time, if not still a tiny bit sad.

"Yep, so don't try any funny business Mister!" I smiled back warmly.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He kissed me. "I should be going," he said. He lifted me off of him and stood, setting me on my feet. He lifted my hand and bowed to brush my knuckles with his lips. "Good night my little one," he said farewell.

"Good-" I started to say, but he was already gone. "-night....

...I love you," I whispered to the empty house.

Shit. I just said it, didn't I?

My subconscious laughed at me. 'You're screwed woman," she said again.

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