Chapter Sixteen

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I was wishing I hadn't worn a dress so I could hug my knees to my chest for comfort. I was really feeling overwhelmed.

Splendy had managed to pull apart his brothers. Trendy was mourning over how his clothing was rumpled from the fight and Slendy was standing in the corner with his arms crossed and the air hanging dark around him.

"Oh come on guys, we're together! We should be happy!" Splendy tried to cheer up his brothers. "It's been decades, and this is how we act?"

"Give me another century or two without you and then we'll see how I act," Slendy mumbled almost childishly. Either the other two didn't hear him or they just decide to ignore him because neither answered.

Trendy was still being overdramatic about his clothes. "Ugh, I so need a trip to the mall right now," he groaned.

I got up off the couch. None of the three myths noticed and I walked over to Slendy and put my arms around his waist, burring my head in his stomach. He looked like he needed a hug, and honestly I felt like I could benefit from one myself. He froze when I touched him, surprised out of his funk, then put his long arms around my shoulders. "Now do you know what I was talking about?" he whispered.

I nodded. "They're not that bad," I said, "I just feel kinda... overwhelmed."

"Do you want to go home?" I could hear in his voice that he was reluctant to ask that question. He didn't really want me to leave.

"No, I told you. I've got your back," I said and smiled up at him.

He smiled back and tucked a strand of hair that had escaped my bun behind my ear. "Thank you," he said.

"No problem."

"Aw, look at them making googly eyes at each other Trender," said Splendy.

Slendy sighed. "I don't even have eyes you nitwit," he said exasperated.

"It's an expression brother."

"Yes, I know," he sighed.

"So how's life been? Still enjoying killing little children?" Splendy asked coming over and leaning against the wall next to us. He made a face when he said 'killing little children.' I could tell he was of my opinion on the subject. Slendy sighed. "What?" Splendy asked, "It was an honest question."

"It was the way you asked it," he said.

"Okay then, pretend I asked it a different way," Splendy persuaded him.

"Life has been... exceedingly well lately, actually" he answered slowly, holding me little tighter as he said it. I blushed. "And I actually haven't killed in three weeks."

That took me by surprise. "You haven't?" I asked, eyes wide. Three weeks ago today was the basement incident. Had he really not killed anyone sense?

"No, you don't like it," he told me.

"Wow," I said, "That's like, really awesome."

"It's unbelievable! A girl managed to change lil Slendy's heart!" Splendy exclaimed. "Is this the real life?" Then suddenly he let out an exaggerated, dramatic gasp...

... And started to sing.

"Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy? Caught in a laaandslide, no escape from realityyyy!"

"Oh my God Splendor, SHUT THE HELL UP!" Slendy yelled and I couldn't help it. I busted out laughing.

"Open your eyes, look up to the skies and siiiiing!"

"Splendor, you're a disgrace to the family!" Slendy groaned.

"Says the guy who stalks children," Splendy stopped singing.

"And who doesn't even own his own high end fashion line in France," Trender said from the couch while busy examining his nails.

"What are you trying to say?" Slendy said coolly.

"Oh nothing," Trender waved his hand dismissively. "Sky, come sit. Talk. I'd love to get to know you a little better," he said.

"No more relationship questions!" Slendy hissed.

"Of course not brother. Not about your 'unofficial' one anyway," the eldest brother replied.

"What other relationships would you possibly want to know about?" the Tall One exclaimed.

Trender ignored him and reached over the couch with his tentacles and grabbed me around the waist. I squeaked in surprise as he plucked me from Slendy's grip and sat me down beside himself. The Slender man growled at having his girl taken away from him, much like a puppy who'd lost his favorite chew toy. That thought almost made me laugh out loud.

"So how did you two meet?" he asked almost instantly.

"I said no relationship stuff!"

"I didn't say anything about relationships!"

"You're leading up to it Trender, I can tell!"

"Oh can you now?"

Splendor man sprawled across the love seat that was arranged adjacent to the couch and after whining at the other two to stop bickering, started singing Bohemian Rhapsody again.

Once again the room started crumbling into chaos as Trendy and Slendy seemed to be getting closer to a fight with each second and Splendy kept singing, apparently as his own way of blocking out the tension. I couldn't take it - I literally felt like screaming.

"WOULD EVERYONE JUST SHUT THE HELL UP?" Three pale faces all turned to me in shock. Apparently I did yell... At a group of men who could kill me faster than I could blink.

Oh crap.


A/N: The song Splendor man was singing is called Bohemian Rhapsody and it's by Queen. Do not own. Just thought I'd put that out there ;)

A Slender Chanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें