ch 8; Night run

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It was pretty late when Wade comes back home after being at Eddie's place.
The silence hits him when he goes through his front door and walks into the hallway.
At first he enjoys the silence, then he starts panicking.
He is used to get a "Hello?" from Peter from the bedroom.
But now, it's completely silent.
With quick steps he moves against the bedroom, with the feeling of having his heart beating somewhere in his throat and is about to jump out from his mouth.
What if Peter has run away? And like; told Iron man it was Wade who kidnapped him?!
Perhaps he should move away to another house and change his name!?
Without any hesitation he opens the door in hurry.
His eyes moves immediately to the bed and he exhales relieved when he sees Peter sleeping on the bed.
Peter has placed a pillow on the arm who is tied up to the bed's metallic pipes, and is leaning his head against it.
Wade sighs smiling and pull off his pink pullover and the white t-shirt he has inwardly.
Then he takes off his pants, and turn off the light before he places himself onto the bed on the side, below the blanket.
He glances backward over his shoulder against Peter.
Then he let's his head rest on his pillow and let his eyelids fall heavily.

Peter's pov;

He had been faking he was asleep.
Actually he was widely awake and waited on the right moment.
Which is now.
When he has heard Wade has been snoring awhile, he opens his eyes and is looking asking at Wade.
Peter is looking forward to get home. Home to his own life there he is togeheter with Mary-Jane Watson, the famous actress. And is spider-man, the hero who has Iron man as a mentor.
He must run away now, or it will be too late.
Somehow he has started getting feelings for Wade. Feelings he isn't sure what they are.
And that isn't a good sign.
Peter knows he is straight and not gay or bi.
And no way he will date a villain or anti hero; someone who kills without blinking.
Which is why he must run away now, or he will be trapped here forever.
  He tries being as quiet as he could, and takes away the pillow who have'd covered the arm who is tied up on the pipes.
During the evening when Wade had been out somewhere, he had unlocking the handcuff.
He takes off the loosen handcuff around his wrist and stands silently up from the bed.
He picks up his eyeglasses from the nightstand and put them on.
Then with hesitating steps he sneaks out from the bedroom.
He glances backwards some times and is asking himself if he does the right choice or not.
And he is thinking, that; he will never mocking someone who tries asking him out on a date, again.
Yeah, Wade was too pushy, which made him mad and started screaming, punching and mocking him.
But that was wrong.
He should have been more respectfully and not being an asshole.
So, now he has learned his lesson and will never make that mistake anymore.
Peter sneaks out from the room and then the house and starts running away along the streets.

Wade's pov;

Wake up Wade

Wade starts grunting and pull up the blanket against his chin.

Wade... wake up...Peter is gone

Without waking up completely he turns around in the bed and exhales.
[Oh God... he isn't waking up]
Wade wides his eyes and is gasping while he is sitting up, startled.
He starts rubbing his ears as the voices came from outside of his head and not from the inside.
"Gosh... why are you screaming?"

Peter is gone...

Wade gasps and drops his jaw.
With frightening eyes he is looking against the side of the bed there Peter has been some days.
The bedside was empty.
Wade throws away the blanket and stands up from the bed.
"When did he sneaked away?"

Just some minutes ago

He grits his teeth angrily and moves quickly against the door.
Without putting on some clothes he leaves the house and turns into venomized Deadpool.
His much larger body moves both gracefully through the streets of night, and as a angry beast who is hunting its prey. Running on all four as a Wolf.
It didn't took long time before he notices a silhouette who runs down the street.
[Is that Peter?]
When he comes closer and closer to that running human being, he sees it's Peter.
The man in front of him turns his head against him and gasps afraid and shocked.
Peter trips a little by turning his attention backward but get back to balance in no time.
"Leave me alone..." Peter begs with a loudly voice. His voice is shaking as he was terrified.
[As we would leave you alone...]
(Especially not since he can destroy Wade's life...)
Wade snorts and keeps running against Peter with his eyes almost setting fire on Peter's back when he is staring.
"I won't tell anyone about you..." Peter adds and starts panicking and moves against a building and starts climbing on the wall as the human spider he is.
Wade stops running when he is in front the building and is looking asking at the wall, up to Peter who is climbing quickly.

Don't hesitate... you can climb too since we are one

The red and black huge monster gulps and starts climbing and the wall.
[Awesome! We have turned into spider-man now... let call us... Spider-beast!]
(Haha or not... that sounds stupid)
"SHUT UP... I try focusing here" Wade grunts.
Peter turns his head down against Wade when he shouted "Shut up".
Wade feels how his heart starts beating painfully when he sees Peter looking at him; as he was afraid of losing Peter forever.
"Peter, Wait!"
Without waiting Peter climbs the last part and crawls up to the rooftop.
Wade starts climbing faster, letting his long claws digs into the wall and leaves marks.
The moment he reaches the rooftop too, he gets a big surprise and sees Peter waiting on him with his back against him.
"Why me?" Peter starts asking.
Wade's heart skip a beat.
"What do you mean?" Wade asks and let's the suit of his symbiot turning off and leave him dressed in only boxer.
Peter sighs.
"Why did you choose me as the one?" Peter asks more detailed and turns against Wade.
Then Peter starts laughing while Wade was taken back of his question.
"Why are you only dressed in underpants?"
Wade raises a brow and is looking down on himself.
"Oh..." he exhales and is looking up at Peter.
"Well...someone had to choose to run away during night" he explains with a smirk.
Peter shakes his head.
Wade drops his smirk and is looking seriously at Peter.
"And I didn't choose you, it was the author who..."
"Wade!" Peter interrups upset and crosses his arms.
"Be serious..." Peter pouts.
Wade chuckles nervously.
"But I am..." he tries convince Peter who rolls his eyes of that information.
Wade exhales snorting.
"But okay... I wanted you since you were the only one who saw me..."he starts saying which make Peter to tilt his head curiously.
"No one who wanted to ignore me for real would get upset by seeing me, as you did... you were the only one who saw me while I was invisible to the other" wade tells him and feels pathetic.
Peter sighs softly and untie his arms.
"Wade... "he starts saying with the sound as he is already distancing himself from him.
Wade furrows his eyebrows and didn't want to hear the rest.
"I'm sorry for everything I have done... I lost control since you were too pushy... but how I treated you wasn't okay... and I'm sorry" Peter starts apologising while he walks against Wade.
(Sorry but I doesn't love you.. don't call me I will call you)
[Hahaha.. or not, hahah]
Peter stops when he has only about a half meter away from Wade.
The nervous young man with eyeglasses starts fumbles with his fingers.
"Too be honest... I'm not sure about my feelings for you... but... I have a girlfriend who is waiting for me... She must be worried" he tries explain.
Wade sinks his shoulders and is looking down on the ground.
He thinks he knows how Peter's girlfriend is feeling by now.
The worries and the emptiness and sadness.
"Let me go back home and see where my true feeling are..." Peter begs.
Wade is looking quickly up with a small string of hope.
"What?" Wade asks after being silent for a long time and had listened on Peter.
Peter shrugs and is looking shyly away.
"Please... let me go back to my old life and see if I want her" Peter explains and starts blushing.
Wade wides his eyes surprised.
(Ooh you are half way into him)
"For real?" He asks Peter.
Peter is looking confused at him.
" Are you perhaps interested in me?" Wade adds.
Peter gasps silently and nods slowly.
"I'm not sure.. but yeah, maybe..."
Wade starts smiling but before he managed to turn the corners of his lips completely up, he drops the ongoing smile.
"Okay... I will let you go back to your life" wade agrees and nods.
Peter's lips parts a slightly.
"Seriously?" He asks excited.
Wade nods.
Peter starts crying a few tears of happiness while he chuckles relieved.
"You are the best! Thanks Wade" Peter  says and turns around.
"Bye, until the next time" Peter says and starts walking away.
Wade grins wickedly.
"Or now" he says and see how Peter is turning his head confused against him.
"Huh?" Peter asks before a gigantic Venomized fist hits his backhead and knock him out.

Haha! That was a sick move... I love that ~

Wade grins and turn himself into the venomized Deadpool and pick up the unconscious Peter onto his shoulder and starts running back home.
"I couldn't let someone else playing with my toy without my approval...."

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