ch 14; the best day of his life

791 19 3

Minutes became hours and hours became days, then days became weeks.
Wade hasn't heard anything from Peter since that day there Tony took him away.
But what does surprise him is, Tony hasn't knocked down his door and arrested him. Or killed him.
Which means; Peter hasn't told Tony what Wade had done.
  Wade has been thinking about kidnapping Peter again, but he never came to that point, there he actually did it.
He and Peter haven't crossed path with each others, except the few times there Wade ate at McDonald's and had to hide his face with the hood and trying to make him as small he could in the chair he sat on. He didn't wanted to face Peter until he knew what he wants to do.

One day during a hot summer day, Wade is sitting on the front porch with a cold beer and watching his neighbours passing by his house on the street.
Some of the kids are playing football on the road, making some cars to hit the honk.
Wade takes the glass bottle against his lips and starts drinking the cold beer when an unexpected person in front his house by some bushes takes his attention.
(Isn't that Peter?)
Wade takes down the bottle and spits out some of the beer by mistake.
He starts rubbing his arm on his mouth to wipes away the wetness.
With big eyes, he starts examining the man with short hazelnut brown hair and slender body.
Wade takes jerky inhaling and couldn't believe what he sees.
With shyly steps Peter walks against him.
When Peter is close by and starts clearing his throat, Wade jolts.
" you want a beer?" Wade asks and couldn't think about something else.
(Can't your small brain think about something else to say?!)
[What brain?]
Peter starts rubbing his palm on  his elbow.
"Eh... I'm not into alcohol.. thanks anyway ..."he answers with a small blush.
"Oh, okay..."
Then it gets silent between them and Peter's eyes start darting around, not knowing where to look.
Wade takes his chance and starts enjoying the man's body.
Peter's clothes are too baggy, so, nothing much is revealing than his bare arms, and his hips.
"Soo... ehm... You still have my eyeglasses..." Peter finally says.
Wade's eyes moves against Peter's face and are looking asking into his brown eyes.
"Eyeglasses?" Wade asks and clears his throat.
Peter nods.
"Y-yeah... those are my dad's... and you have them"
"Oh..." wade exhales before he starts grinning.
"You know... you are very brave to show up here... I could snatch you and lock you in, again" wade smirks and takes a sip of his beer.
Peter is looking from side to side.
"I..." he starts saying and is looking at Wade's face and starts smiling.
"I have told Tony where I am... if I'm not showing up he will storm your house and get me back"
Wade chuckles.
"What's very clever of you"
(Something you wouldn't think about if it was in your situation)
Peter rubs his lips thoughtfully together.
"Well... ehm... where are my eyeglasses?"
Wade jolts and stands up.
"Please come in..." he tells Peter and open the door.
Peter is looking shyly down on his black-white sneakers some seconds before he starts walking into the house.
Wade couldn't help it, but he starts smiling goofy and close the door behind them.
They walks into the kitchen there Peter sits down on a bar stool by the kitchen island while Wade finishes his beer and places the empty bottle into the sink.
"Hmm...eyeglasses..." Wade mumbles and tries figure out where he hidden them.
He leans backwards against the kitchen island while he is tapping thoughtfully on his lips with his index finger.
Peter intertwines his fingers and is looking asking at Wade.
"Ehm... while you are trying to think where you have'd hide them... you can perhaps give me something to drink" Peter suggests.
Wade stands up with a jolt.
"Of course..." he says and walks over to the fridge and open it.
His eyes are darting around inside the half empty fridge, trying to find something to give to Peter.
He has a lot beer, an old milk, and juices.
"Do you want apple- or orange juice?" He asks and glances backwards over his shoulder.
"Or water?" He adds.
Peter shrugs.
"Apple juice sounds good"
Wade nods and takes out the box with apple juice.
He closes the fridge and fills a glass with cold apple juice.
Then he gives Peter the glass.
Wade places the juice box on the kitchen island and starts tapping his fingers on it.
"I actually got surprised when I saw you outside my house ..."
"Me too" Peter answers and starts drinking his juice while his cheeks starts heating up.
Wade clears his throat and starts looking around in his kitchen.
" Soo... have you and your girlfriend got married yet?"
Peter places the glass clumsy on the kitchen island and clinking sound appears.
"Eh... I...I dumped her..."
Wade gasps and couldn't stop hoping that, Peter did it for his sake.
"Y-you did?..." wade asks nervously and feels as he starts sweating.
Peter nods.
"Yeah... I... I love someone else..." Peter admits.
Wade wides his eyes and exhales surprised.
"Who? Do I know her?" He asks and tries to figure out if Peter means him or someone else.
Wade heart starts pounding loudly.
Peter smiles and is looking into Wade's eyes.
"I think you know who he is..."
(Congratulations Wade... you turned Peter to gay)
Wade tilts his head and can't believe what Peter tries to hint.
"Tony? Isn't he too old for You?"
Peter starts laughing loudly and honestly.
A laugh who make Wade warm and bubbly.
Peter grins.
"No you idiot... it's you..."
Wade starts twisting a little.
(Oh gosh... how stupid can you be?)
Peter rolls his eyes and stands up from the bar stool and walks over to Wade.
Wade's heart skip a beat of having Peter in front of him.
Peter stands up on his toes, running his arms around Wade's neck, then he starts kissing the surprised male.
  Wade blinks surprised and even if his head screams 'YES YES!', bad conscience hits him.

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