ch 9; punishment

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Peter's pov;

He was between conscious and unconscious.
His eyes are still closed while his brain is restarting and is noticing the cold and damp air.
The ground is hard, which means he is on the floor and not in the soft bed.
And both of his arms are pointing into the air, with something cold around his wrists. Which means he is tied up.
Peter gasps and opens his eyes.
The dark and cold basement appears in front of him.
" no" he mumbles and starts moving his both arms as he hopes he could break them free.
Suddenly a silhouette from the spot there the green plastic table and chairs are, stands up and moves against him.
Peter starts breathing heavily and furrows his eyebrows while he stops moving with his arms.
He hadn't noticed someone was there.
When he sees the face of the man who both have'd kidnapped him and lied to him of his freedom, anger bubbles up mixed with sadness.
"I hate you..." he whispers and stares coldly at wade.
Wade stops his track and is looking hurted.
The man who now is dressed in grey t-shirt and black jeans, kneels down.
He grins and grabs Peter's chin and tilts his head up and makes eyes contact with him.
"No you don't... you looooove meeee" the burnmarked man says and his grin grows wider almost into a wicked grin.
Peter grimaces and turns away his face, away from Wade's grip of his chin.
"No...not after how you lied to me" Peter tells him, and furrows his eyebrows when Wade's face comes closer to his, and warm breathing are touching his face.
"I would gladly let you go home... but not since you wanted to go home to that bitch..." wade says with his eyes staring deeply into his eyes.
"And I won't let anyone else play with my one!"
Peter swallow sharply and didn't like the idea of being seen as a toy.
"B-but...I'm not a toy... I'm a human, don't you understand that??!"
Wade gets silent and is examining his face, still being too close with his face against his.
"No, my Toy... you aren't a human either... you are a mutant... you aren't worth a shit among normal humans" wade says and grabs Peter's cheeks with his right hand.
Then he forces Peter to look directly at him.
"Each human are afraid of mutants... and wish they would get unalived... don't you understand that spidey?... you as half spider aren't welcome in this shitty world"
Every single words Wade says, are hitting him badly and are hurting.
He hasn't been true to himself, but each time someone had wrote hateful news about him as spider-man, it has been damaging him more and more.
Even those harshly words aunt May have'd spat each time someone had mentioned spider-man, have'd  draining him.
And he actually hates himself for being spider-man.
The first thing is that time when he let a robber escape since Peter was mad at the owner of the wrestling club. Mad, be course Peter got tricked and didn't got the money he was promised to get for a match. And since he let the robber run away, uncle Ben ended up with being shoted of that robber.
The second thing is that time when Gwen, his first real girlfriend, got killed by his enemy, Green Goblin.
Gwen would still be alive if he wasn't spider-man.
And the third thing is, he wouldn't be kidnapped of this psycho if he wasn't spider-man.
Wade's grip of his cheeks tighter a little.
"Sooo... you should be grateful, that, I want you sweetpie... that, I still want to play with you"
Peter grunts.
"Oh, yeah!" Wade says as he had suddenly remembered something important.
Peter raises a brow and is looking curiously at him.
Wade smirks and leans against him with his lips against his ear.
"You have been a naughty boy... I must learn you a lesson"
Peter jolts and feels how fears are crawling inside of his body. Spinning around and make him nauseous and almost to puke.
Wade let's go off his cheeks and stands up.
"Don't do it Wade!" Peter shouts and feels how he starts shaking of terror.
He sees how wade disappear into the darkness.
Footsteps fills the darkness and soon an old wardrobe opens.
Peter starts moving with his arms in panic and tries breaking the chains.
When the door to the wooden wardrobe closes, Peter starts sobbing while he feels how he starts wetting himself. The warmth and the feeling of the diaper is growing, makes him tearing up even more.
He feels as a pathetic loser.
Is he really just a toy?
Is his life as Peter and spider-man over and he must spend the rest of his life as a toy to a maniac?
Wade tilts his head confused when he is in front of Peter.
Then he grins sighing.
"Baby boy... if you are really that scared of getting your ass spanked, that you are wetting yourself... then... why aren't you being a good boy?Hm?" Wade asks teasingly.
Peter is looking ashamed down with flushed cheeks.
And he notices how Wade is holding a thin, straight stick; a cane who is almost one meter long.
He gasps harshly and wides his eyes.
Wade forces Peter onto his knees and spin him around without giving him a chance to think.
Then Peter feels how his borrowed grey sweatpants gets pulled down, and revealing his soaked diaper.
Peter opens his mouth to protest but couldn't find any word.
When he feels how wade is fumbling with his fingers to untapped the diaper, Peter collapses with his body, his upper body a slightly forward and his booty backward.
Which make it harder for Wade to take off the diaper.
"Behave now... I was planning to give you about fifteen whoppings... but if you aren't behaving I have to spank you more..." Wade warns with his mouth nearby against Peter's neck.
A shiver runs down on his spine and he stiffen a little by Wade's warning.
He tries straighten up his body.
When the warm diaper disappears, he feels how a cold air runs around on his privacy.
He hears how Wade is shifting his position behind him.
Then wade places a hand onto his back, to making sure Peter won't moving too much.
He hears how Wade's grip of the wooden stick, hardens.
Peter swallow nervously and tries prepare himself for the soon coming pain.
He takes many deep breathing, and soon he starts wondering if Wade had a second thought of his punishment. But before he manages to exhales relieved, the biting pain on his backside appears and the sound of wood hitting flesh.
He starts screaming and more tears starts falling down on his flushed face.
Soon the second whopping comes and his ass makes a jump of the hit.
His scream stopped for a second by the hit, but then he continues to scream.
He notices how he sometimes starts begging for mercy and starts apologising. But the pain is too much and he couldn't control himself. And can't remember what he is saying or doing.
The smashing sound appears and reveals he has got his third hit.
Peter starts breathing heavily and uncontrollable, as he is about to get a panic attack.
The punishment stops for a moment as Wade wanted to give him time to calm himself.
The second he has got control with his breathing, Wade continues to spank him.
The cane hits him hardly each time it flies through the air and lands at his bottom.
It's as the cane is digging through his skin and flesh when it touches his ass.
He can almost swear he has got big marks of bruises, one from each hit, across his whole backside.
The taste of salt reaches his lips from crying that hard.
After around ten hits, Wade stops.
"I have a suggestion..." Wade tells him.
Peter is shaking as a leaf.
Wade is caressing Peter's neck softly with the tip of his nose while he is smelling him.
"What about... I'm not doing the last five whoppings... and instead we are having sex?"
Peter stiffen.
"I will be gently..." he adds which makes Peter to almost puke of disgusted.
"I-I..." Peter starts saying and didn't like any of the suggestions.
"Okay..." he sighs and tries being smart. He notices how Wade jolts of surprise.
".. but only in bed " he adds and holds his thumbs in his mind, wishing he will get back to Wade's home.
He is looking forward to get back to the comfortable bed.
And perhaps get a bath.
"Oh..." wade exhales behind him.
Then Wade leans away from him.
"I'm sorry sweetpie... but... you doesn't deserve to be at my place for the moment"
Peter furrows his eyebrows.
"Buuuut Wadey... didn't you love to sleep with me at nights?" Peter tries manipulate him.
He tries grab the thin string of hope.
Wade sighs loudly and starts walking around thoughtfully, mumbling about something Peter cannot hear.
Peter presses his lips hopefully together.
Then the footsteps stops.
"Okay... I have been thinking..." wade says and moves against him.
Peter holds his breath.
" I won't use the cane to spank you..."
Peter's mind is screaming 'YES!' and makes a victory gesture.
"But!" Wade says, which make the happy Peter in his mind, stops his celebrating and kneels down defeated.
"But... I will give you a spanking with my hand while you are laying across my lap... and then, you will stay down here some days before I will allow you to come back home to my place " Wade tells him.
Peter blinks away some angry tears.
"Only five?" He asks.
Wade shakes his head.
Peter grimaces but tries keeping his complaining hidden from Wade. What if Wade will punish him more if he finds out?
Wade starts unlocking the handcuffs.
Suddenly Peter starts thinking about his eyeglasses. The ones his dad used.
"Where are my eyeglasses?" Peter asks curiously and is turning around.
Wade grins.
"I have hidden them..."
Peter's heart skip a beat of disappointment.
Wade shrugs.
"I thought... I have a better chance of keeping you if I have hidden the eyeglasses... there are no way you would run away without your eyeglasses " wade grins.
Peter is looking sadly down on the ground.
Then he takes a shocked breath when Wade grabbed his arm and force him up onto his feet.
"Come..." Wade says and leads him against one of the green plastic chairs.
Peter takes some clumpy steps after him.
Having the sweatpants pulled down, around his feet, isn't making it easier to walk.
Wade sits down on the chair and force Peter harshly down onto his lap.
Peter exhales heavily and soon finds himself laying across Wade's lap as a naughty child.
He starts blushing harder of laying on another man's lap with his naked booty into the air, waiting for spanking.
And too his shame, he feels how his betraying dick starts swelling of being in this position.
He feels how Wade's cold hand caress his warm ass.
Without getting a chance to stop it; a small moan escapes his throat.
And shortly after that, the first slap hits him and make him gasps.
Soon after that the second and third comes.
Peter starts waving his legs of the pain and the loudly sobbing fills the darkness again.
Wade continues to spank him, and he feels more as a child when he is crying loudly while he gets spanked on the man's lap.
But he can't stop himself from crying out loud.
The sounds are building up on them own and escapes his throat.

Peter keeps crying and didn't heard Wade.
"Peter..." wade repeats himself.
This time Peter notices him.
"Y-yes?" Peter answers with a weak voice while his nose starts running and force him to use the sleeve on his sweatshirt to clean himself.
"Why did I spanked you?"
Peter starts crying loudly.
"Be course I ran away!" He shouts upset and continues to sobbing.
Wade chuckles.
"Good boy... let's put you back in a clean diaper and then I will give you some juice"
Peter didn't moved before Wade grabs his arm and pull him up.
  Wade nods against the wall there the handcuffs are.
"Walk over there and wait...if you aren't obeying and tries run away, I will give you a second turn with the cane and spank you even more"
Peter freezes and didn't dare to move.
When Wade notices that, he sighs and pulls Peter's arm and force him to walk to the wall.
Then the tight grip of his arm realises and Wade walks away.
Peter is staring at the wall and was afraid of making the slightly wrong.
He didn't want to get more spanking.
"Lay down..." wade tells him after a short moment.
Immediately Peter does as he was told. And lays down onto the ground, on his back.
His ass starts complaining of the touching from the floor and starts pounding painfully.
When he sees Wade has opened the clean diaper, he lifts up his bottom.
"Good boy..." wade praises him and places the diaper below him.
"You can lay down your tushy again"
The moment Peter has placed down his bottom, he moves his legs against his chest and revealing his backside for Wade.
Wade smiles proudly.
"Oh sweetheart... you make daddy proud... why aren't you like this always? As a good boy?"
Peter furrows his eyebrows and stares at the ceiling. At least he thinks he does. It's too dark to know what he is looking at.
"I'm neither your toy or baby..." Peter says while Wade is adding baby lotion.
Instead of answering, Wade is shushing and starts adding some baby powder on his swollen ass.
  After have'd got the diaper and sweatpants on, Wade ties him up into the handcuffs.
Then Wade grabs some apple juice in a small box with a straw and helps Peter drinking it by placing the straw into his mouth.
The juice is running pleasurable down into his dry throat from having crying and screaming that much.
After having finished the drink Wade smirks.
"Say; good night daddy" wade begs and is caressing Peter's cheek.
Peter raises a brow.
"Why would I?" He asks and wasn't up for the idea.
Wade shrugs.
"You doesn't have to... but if you does, then I will bring a blanket and pillow the next time I arrive" he explains before he starts walking away.
Peter pouts.
Wade picks up a gag ball from the table and walks back to Peter with it.
"You have only few seconds to change your mind..." Wade warns him and kneels down in front of him.
Peter eyes are moving between Wade's face and the gag ball.
Wade starts moving the gag ball against Peter and put it on.
Peter's heart starts beating loudly of his none decision. Should he say it or not?
The gag ball touches his nose and make him jolts.
"Good night daddy" he says in hurry in last second before the gag ball silence him.
Wade grins widely.
"You made it in last moment... good night sweetie " wade says and rubs his hand in Peter's thick hair.
Then Wade walks out from the basement and closes the door.
Peter starts shaking.
He hates being alone in the darkness.
Even a maniac as Wade, is better as company than being alone in the darkness.
The darkness is crawling around his body as a thick mist, waiting for the right moment to swallow him whole.
Who knows what dangerous are sneaking up onto him, hidden in the darkness?
He starts singing a lullaby to calm him down and perhaps making him to fall asleep.
Since he has the gag ball on, the singing sounds more like, grunting noices.
"Hmm ♪ huh hm♬huh..Huh Hm huh🎶"....

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