ch 13; there you are

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Still dressed as Deadpool he is walking around in his living room, trying to figure out who kidnapped Peter.
He sighs loudly after a while and rub his head.
"Gah... who could have kidnapped him?!"
(Since you are a nutcase there is a high possibility that, you are the one who kidnapped him...)
Deadpool stops his steps and tilts his head.
[Yeah! It wouldn't surprise us if you turned into 'Marcus' and killed Peter and dumped him in a random ditch]
He snorts offended.
"Of course I haven't turned into some Marcus and killed him..why would I? I don't hate him... it's the opposite"
He starts walking again. This time; feeling a bit nervous. What if; He actually got crazy and harmed Peter?!

Don't worry Wadey... I promise you haven't harmed him... someone else have'd taken him...

Deadpool stops his track.
" you have any clue who could do this?" He asks and want to know, if Venom mentions the same name as the one Wade's head tells him it is.
He doesn't want to believe the one who did is, is that one. But there isn't any other opportunity.


He tries being patient and wait until Venom answers him.
But since he isn't very patient, he starts tapping the floor with his right foot and crosses his arms.
"Well? Do you know anything?"
When he isn't getting answers immediately, his heart starts pounding hurted and he feels lefted out. As, Venom is choosing the other one in front him.
"I-..." he starts saying with a unsteadily voice, afraid of starting to cry.

Oh Wadey... I didn't meant to hurt you... I... I feel kind of frustrated by the thought that... I think who could have kidnapped Peter

Deadpool clears his throat nervously.
He isn't sure if he wants to hear Venoms thoughts about who could have done this. But he has to.
Peter is more important than that guy.
He must find him. And soon!
What if something horrible happens to Peter? What if he actually ends up in some random ditch there crows are eating on his corpse. Eating his cute browns eyes as appetizer?
A cold shiver runs down on his spine and make him to shudder.

Stop stop... don't start overthinking! It won't be that horrible...

He tries inhale deeply, holding his breath and then, let it out.
"Okay... I thinks I'm pretty calm now..." he says and pull up his gun and fills it with new bullets.
(Yeah! You are really unruffled... )
  "Now... tell me... who did this? Who do you think stole my sweetum"

...Eddie Brock...

  Later that day, Wade dressed as himself, walks over to Eddie's apartment.
He pulled on a red hoodie and hides the gun at the back, into his jeans.
He tries keep his cool, and knock normally on the door, but he isn't.
High, frustrated, knocking sounds reaches his ears while he grits his teeth.
He stops knocking and rest his fist against the door while he is waiting for someone to open the door.
But nothing happens.
"Hello?!...Eddie, it's me, the door" wade says and is about to knock again when the next door opens instead and an old lady with bleached pink dressing gown and many hair curlers into her brown grayish hair, shows up with a red cat in her bosom.
"... Mr Brock isn't home yet..." She tells him and put a cigarette between her lips.
Wade is looking asking at her. His gaze falls down onto the red cat who doesn't look very friendly. Not unfriendly as it would attack him, but unfriendly as it was afraid and shy.    But yeah, an afraid cat would likely attack him if it get scared.
"When did he lefted?" He asks and looks up onto the women's face while she tries light her cigarette but fails since her lighter won't get a good flame.
"I don't know... some hours ago?... Do you have a lighter?" She asks snorting, looking too frustrated by not being able to light her cigarette so, she could start smoking.
Wade shakes his head and walks against her.
"No... but let me help you..." he says and takes her lighter with a print of a old band on it. Then he turns on the lighter and a steady flame appears.
The women moves her mouth with the cigarette in, against the flame.
When the women had lit her cigarette and leaning backward, Wade turns off the lighter.
"Aren't you afraid of me?..." he asks and sees her raising a brow.
"I mean... since I'm ugly..." he explains and gives back her lighter.
[I couldn't explain it better, myself]
(Let me try...ehm... since I'm a disgusting human being no one could ever love... even I self cannot stand myself....)
The old lady starts laughing who sounded more as coughing than laughing and interrups the box's comment about Wade.
  Smokes sippings out from the corners of her lips, and from her nostrils.
She shakes her head.
"No no... you aren't ugly at all..." She tells him which make him raising an invisible brow.
"If you had seen Magda from my reading circle, you would understand you aren't ugly... there aren't no one ugly as Magda"
Wade starts chuckle.
"Then... I'm just second ugly?"
She snorts.
"Oh... then there is Richard who works at the drugstore some streets away... he is an ugly Bastard... every woman would cry if they got him as husband"
Wade keeps chuckling and starts liking this women. Not as someone he wants to fuck.
Oh wait... perhaps her old, wrinkled, soft lips would feel good around his dick while they were blowing him.
  Suddenly the women starts caressing his cheek. Okay, perhaps she gave him something more like a patting than a caressing, but anyway, his dick loved it. He starts getting a bulge.
"Sweetie... you would make anyone happy... but please... don't take Eddie..." She suddenly says and takes away her hand from his cheek.
Then she leans against him. And since she is shorter than him, she starts whispering against his chest. The cat starts eyeing Wade while it moves against him.
" Too be honest... Eddie is the Weirdo around here" She whispers.
Wade starts grinning but tries be nice, since the lady is kind.
But he actually thinks the Weirdo around here, is her.
"Okay thanks... I will keep that in mind...oh..I have to go... have some things to do... " he tells her and starts walking away.
"Okay sweetie, good luck"
"You too"

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