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C H A P T E R 2 1

I'm with Huening Kai every other day ever since Winter break started. He showed me all the sweetest things he could actually show. My parents already know that he's courting me. My dad was happy because he always liked Kai for me, but my mom wasn't as happy as my dad. She's seen me cry every night from the past years because of him and his changes.

Today, we're just walking around our neighborhood. Holding each other's hands, but I still haven't told him that he could now be my boyfriend.

He was about to talk when my phone rang. It was my mom.

"Yes, mom?" I said.

"Come home. Your aunt and uncle are here" she said.

Oh, they're back from L.A. after 7 years, I see. I told Kai the whole thing, the reason why I need to head home. I thought he was going to go home as well, but he told me he'll come with me and meet my aunt and uncle.


We head home, and I thought it was just my aunt and uncle. But my cousins were also there.

"Yuna eonnie!" My cousins, Natalie and Raven ran towards me as they saw me walking towards them.

I smiled and hugged them all. These cuties never tried to forget me. They're only two years younger, that's why we kind of grew up together.

I looked at my aunt and saw the little boy beside her.

I guess that's Nathan. He was only in her womb when I knew him. Now he's a cute little child. But I can see that he's shy.

Aunt told her to come near me because I'm his cousin, but he was too shy to do it. I understood that.

I went to the kitchen, to prepare myself and Kai a snack. I also made one for my cousins, including Nathan. I figured out that Nathan couldn't speak a single Korean word, that's why he's shy.

After making sandwiches, I went to the front yard. There he was, Kai. Talking to the little shy boy, who was now laughing with him.

I went near him, and suddenly Nathan went silent.

"Don't worry she's also our friend" Kai said in the english language.

"What's her name?" Nathan asked in the same language.

"I am Yuna, you can call me noona," I said in English and smiled at him.

"But your name is Yuna. Why would I call you noona?" Nathan asked.

"You see Nathan. Since Yuna is older than you, you should call her noona because that's how we do it here in Korea. It's a sign of respect," Kai explained. He also looked cute while explaining it to Nathan.

" should I also call you noona? Kai?" Nathan asked, and I stopped myself from laughing.

"Well, you should call me Hyung because I am a boy. Noona means a girl older and Hyung means a boy older" Kai explained again.

Nathan nodded and he looked at me and smiled. I gave them both the sandwich I made, and both of them liked it.

Kai was still talking to Nathan, and I was just watching them both conversate. It's nice to see Kai being good with kids. He looks more of an innocent angel than an inheritor of a gang when he's like this.

It was now time to go home, and I escorted Kai out of the house. He didn't leave immediately, he looked at me for a while without saying a single word.

I can feel my cheeks burning up because of what he was doing.

"I'll get going then," Kai said, but before he could leave, I asked.

"Aren't you going to ask me again?" I asked him.

"What question?" He asked, and I just rolled my eyes.

"The one you asked the day you surprised me?" I said. I saw that he was still confused, so I brushed off the plan of telling him and walked towards my house, but then suddenly I was pulled by Kai into a back hug.

"Yuna?" His voice changed. It was sweeter than before.

"Hm?" I said.

He frees me from the hug, and I faced him. He was smiling at me, and his eyes focused only on me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I felt tear building up, and I couldn't hold it back anymore and cried. His smile faded, and he was now looking worried.

"Why are you crying?" He said, putting both of his hands on my cheeks.

"I'm happy," I said and sobbed.

"You're happy because?" He asked.

"I'm happy because you're going to be my boyfriend," I said and his eyes widened in shock.

"What?" He said.

"Yes, Kai. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend," I said, and he pulled me to a kiss.

I don't know why I'm so happy. It's not like I just said yes to marrying Kai, but I guess I'm just happy because finally, I get to be loved by someone who I've been loving my whole life.


"Happy Huening Kai huh?" Said the man in black.

"You'll see. You will lose all of that, just wait you little jerk" He said and again, and smoked his vape.

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