Chapter 14

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I know this is a short chapter, but I felt you need to see this scene from both sides. Detective Jordan and ofcourse the sadistic Jay.
Anyways enjoy and prepare yourself.


The lights stop and I see the lights switch off I grab a few of the knives. I can hear their voices. My adrenaline begins to course through me and I grip the knife handle tighter.

The steps come closer and I peek my head over the table and see a silhouette of a person moving closer. "Shit." I hear a woman say. "Percy?" She asks as she runs towards the lifeless body. I raise the knife in my hand, I can see her body pretty clearly, she crouches down to him. I aim. "He's dea-"


The knife lands in her chest. She lets out a high pitch scream and falls down to the side of the Agent, another silhouette appears. "Sarah!" It's another womans voice I aim again ready to throw as she appears. I throw and hit her but miss something vital I guess. "Ahhh. Son of a bitch..." I hear her screech. Must've hit something sore or sensitive.

"Jayden!" Ah finally... Detective Jordan... I watch and see their shadows just outside the door.

"Come on Detectives... your friend is going to bleed out. Go ahead reach for her..." I taunt him and hear him curse. Someone crouches down and sticks their hand inside, searching for their fellow partner's leg or something. Her gurgled sounds start to fill the air.

I raise my arm again. I throw and it hits the arm. "Fucking hell!" Another man's voice yells. I should take up knife throwing cause hell it seems as though I've got a fucking good aim and arm.

Someone steps infront of the door and starts shooting. I duck as the bullets hit the heavy table. When they silence I throw another knife quickly and I hit someone without even seeing who I hit.

They hiss out in pain. But I still have a few more knives, I throw another two and both hit the two people as they try to pull their dying colleague out of the house. Looks like Detective Jordan and another man, his partner perhaps? But I can tell I didn't get them good enough, they just groan and hiss, must've sliced them only open.

The shots ring out again and once they stop I peek my head above the table. There's quite an amount of blood in the doorway and I see the woman with the knife in her chest has been moved, they have pulled her outside. The thrill that runs through my entire being is unexplainable, I can smell the metallic aroma in the air. The gunpowder is also very present and my hairs stand of end. If only I could bottle this smell and make it a fragrance.

When I see movement coming towards the front door I throw my second last knife and I hear it hit someone, I decide it's enough of the fun and games. "It's been fun! Let's do this again sometime..." I shout out and they mutter something.

I grab the last knife and sneak out the back. I hear their footsteps come into the house, I'm almost at the driver's seat when I feel a gun pressed against my head. "Freeze Jayden!" Jordan shouts breathlessly. But I hear him grunt, I smirk as I realize I must've gotten him real good with my unexpected knife attack in the dark.

"I got you good huh?" I ask and I get ready for my final attack. I grip the knife tightly ready to give him some more pain to grunt about. "Just remember if you shoot at the car... the twins are in the trunk hey..." I say to warn him and to also confuse him
And I'm successful.

"What are you talking ab-" I grab the wrist with the gun swiftly, then with the knife I slice his stomach, not deep enough to kill him just enough to hurt him. The gun goes off and I feel a burn in my upper arm that holds the knife. I drop the knife and hiss at the pain.

Jordan drops his gun and grips his stomach with his hand. Before he has any time to react or recover I elbow him in the stomach and he falls down. I rush to the driver's door and I scramble into the car. I speed off and I see Jordan in the rearview mirror standing with the gun in his hands but not firing at the car.

I drive away from the house and plan to get a different car. I look at my arm and see no exit wound. That's gonna hurt like a bitch.

I grab my phone and get Reginald on the line. "I have them. Meet me at the address I sent to you." I end the call and focus on getting to where I need to be.

"Until we meet again Jordan... until we meet again..." I whisper to myself.

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