Chapter 28

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Hello everyone.
So I'm back from my holiday and I just finished my exams. My updating schedule may still be inconsistent as I'm still trying to recuperate.
But anyways enjoy.
Oh and also, I've grown very attached to Detective Jordan, Grant and Elizabeth.
So I'm thinking about writing a book with the three of them working on a case. Not related to any of the other 2 books.
Would you be interested in reading a book like that?

Detective Jordan

I watch Jayden as he toys with the knife in his hands, my mind races, we don't know who it was because we never found the cabin where the stalker was. The car that was seen on the side of the road was a dead end long before we even knew about it. Nobody saw anything.

I clear my throat. "We never found the killer." He looks at me with a dull expression.

"Are you telling me... that Detective Jordan didn't solve the case?" He traces his fingers over her face. "No I don't believe that!" He raises his hand but stops midway to slap her. "But wait... I can..." he smirks at me before continuing. "You never solved your own parents murder..." my mouth opens and closes, exactly like a fish.

My chest tightens and I can't think of a response. "Oh did I hit a nerve?" He asks sarcastically with that smirk plastered across his face. "Okay... Detective 'I can't solve any cases' atleast this." He motions to him and Dianne. "Will be your first case that you've solved..."

I gulp, unable to say or do anything. "Who was her stalker?" I can't even take in what he just said. My mind is fuzzy and everything is all muddled up.

"Uh... um... well..." the words stumble out of my mouth making me sound like a complete idiot so I stop speaking. He motions with his hand for me to carry on. "I don't know." I say and hang my head in shame.

I lift my head when I hear that Grant speaks up. "The evidence and leads all ended in dead ends." He snaps his head towards my partner.

"Was I speaking to you?!" He says through gritted teeth. He lurches forward across the counter that is separating us from him. He moves so quick that Grant has virtually no chance to react in time.

He slices Grant's cheek open with such precision and speed. My partner is lucky that he was able to lean back the slightest bit or else the knife would've sliced his neck to pieces.

Blood splatters all over the place and Grant falls off the chair whilst grabbing his cheek. Jayden is still ontop of the counter with the arm holding the knife still extended. I decide it is now or never. Jayden is so focused on Grant that I am able to make my move.

I ignore the horrible pain that spreads throughout me when I push myself towards him. Times slows down. I feel like if I have to die now, I will be content because I know I did everything in my power to stop him.

Jayden turns his head and his eyes go wide, he begins to swing the knife towards me but I'm already grabbing his arm without the knife. I grip the arm with all my might and jerk him towards me.

A sharp pain suddenly invades my left side but I ignore it. I let go of his arm with one hand and grab his hair. I slam his head down onto the marble top and hear his grunt, he twists the knife in my side and my world starts fading into blackness.

I lift his head and bring it down onto the surface again. I hear metal drop onto the floor and know I've disarmed him.

Out the corner of my eye I see Elizabeth moving towards me with a horrified face.

I let go of his arm completely and grab his hair in both hands. He immediately begins to scratch at my arms, I use my body weight and push myself away from the island. He travels with me as we fall to the ground. I turn as we land so that I'm on top of him.

We hit the ground with a thud and he has his breath hit out of him from my weight. Time speeds back up and before I know it he is punching my stomach and laughing.

I feel the blood oozing out of my body. I force myself to not give in but stars dance in my vision. I throw punches but I'm dizzy. I miss.

He takes advantage and turns things around. Him ontop of me and me fighting for my life. He carries on laughing as he hits me.

I fade into the fuzziness and my eyes drift closed.

I'm floating? I open my eyes and the scene before me confuses me. I'm on the ground. Grant is doing CPR. Elizabeth has Jayden in handcuffs. But.

I'm watching this unfold. Am I dead? I walk towards Grant, I place my hand on his shoulder only to have it pass through it.

"Miles!" I hear my partner cry out desperately but he is far away. As if I'm in a tunnel. "Don't you dare leave me!" He continues pushing my chest forcing my heart to beat. "Dammit Miles! Come back to me."

My body jerks violently with the force from his compressions. Blood is dripping out of my mouth, there is a pool of blood underneath me.

"Miles..." A familiar voices calls out to me. I turn and look around. I haven't heard the voice for a long time. "Miles..." I walk towards the voice and see a figure that I have missed all my life. "Come Miles..."

"Mom?" I ask walking towards her.

"Come with me baby. There's no pain by me." Right then I realize I don't feel any pain.

"Come on partner!!" Grant calls out to me. "Don't leave me!" I turn to see him crying. "Please!! Miles!!" He cries out for me.

"Come Miles... we miss you baby..." my mom calls out to me.

I look back at her.

I'm torn. To stay and fight. Or give in and join my mom and dad.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now