Chapter 18

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I'm in a deep deep sleep, but I hear Caleb. He's crying. "Dianne..." I mumble out as she gets up for him mostly, as he needs to drink most of the time. There's no reply. No movement. I turn over and pry my eyes open, but her side is empty. 'Maybe the bathroom?'

I let out a yawn and stretch, I get up slowly and rub my eyes. I stand and walk over to the crib, I pick him up and rock him slowly. "Hey little man. Are you hungry?" I ask but I know that 'first you need to check the diaper before assuming he is hungry.' The master has taught me well, I chuckle at what she would say if I said that to her.

I place him on the bed and check the diaper. I mutter something to him but I change his diaper even though it is just wet. I pick him up and walk into the bathroom. "Dee?" But there's nobody there.

I frown. 'Where is she? Kitchen?' I walk to the kitchen but she's not there. Now my fear sets in, I rush back to the room. "Dianne?!" I shout but there's no answer. Caleb gets restless and it lifts my fear a few levels.

I go into the living room. Eric is waking up. "Eric. Have you seen Dianne?" I ask as I frantically try to calm the crying baby. He looks at me with a confused face. "I can't fucking find her!" I shout at him and go back to the room.

I get to the room and that's when I see a paper by my side of the bed. 'Did you she leave me? Was she not happy I thought she was happy...' my heart sinks but as I get to the paper, instead of thinking she left me, I'm hit with the deadly and awful truth, I wish she rather left me than do what she has done. I hold the paper with one very shaky hand, the world dulls around me. Caleb's cries die out even though he still screams. For me everything stops and the world around me goes quiet as I read the very shaky handwriting.

He has the twins. He threatened you and Caleb. I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you two. Call Jordan as soon as you get this note.
I love you with all my heart. And like our vows said. Till death do us apart. Tell Caleb I love him.
I love you.

I stare at the note and read it over and over and over again. "Eric!" I shout as I feel my body shake and my tears start to stream down my face. I put Caleb on the bed and hold my head in my hands as the sobs over take me.

Eric bursts into the room. "What?! What's wrong?!" He asks, I continue to sob uncontrollably and throw the note to him. I shake my head and look for my phone. She said to phone Jordan. Eric lets out a string of curses and exits the room.

With a shaking hand I find the phone, I dial his number. The sobs continue and it feels as though my world has ended. It's all crashed down, I've lost one of the most precious things I have in life.

The line connects. "Jord-" he answers but a very unmanly sob leaves my mouth. "Kyle? What is it?"

I muster up all the courage and strength I can to speak. "S-she... she's g-gone!" I scream as I feel my eyes burning from all the tears, my throat feels raw from crying and screaming out.

The tears don't stop. Instead they intensify. He says something but I don't hear it, all I hear is how my world has come crashing down. He continues to try and speak to me but it's as if the grief has already set in. I drop the phone and slump down to the ground.

Eric comes back and just sees the state I'm in and mutters more curses. He comes over and says something but his mouth just moves and I don't hear what he's saying. He picks up the phone and walks out. I try to stop but my body feels like it has given up.

Caleb let's out a high pitch scream and it brings me out of the uncontrollable state. I'm numb and my body goes onto auto pilot. I pick him up and start to rock him, my sobs are softer but I still cry. I look at him and I see her.

My heart breaks even further and I cry out again.

'Why? Why! Couldn't it have been me? Why... why didn't she wake me? How could she leave Caleb? Are we going to find her? Will she be alive? Will I survive without her? What is going to happen to her? What is he going to do her? Is he going to torture her? What about the twins? Is he going to hurt them too?'

My mind reels and my heart aches. I shush Caleb and realise he must be starving. The only thing I can think of is the baby food we bought for him to start eating. Eric comes back into the room and I turn my face to him. I have to try and keep myself somehow stitched together just enough so I can take care of Caleb.

I just walk past him and head to the kitchen. Like a zombie. I place Caleb in his high chair and open the baby food. I grab a spoon and feed the food to him. He must be starving because it's his first time eating the food and he doesn't even spit it out.

I feel Eric's presence behind me but I don't look at him, I don't want to break again. I'm already so broken, I can't afford to shatter into even smaller pieces. I can't, not while our little boy needs me.

"Kyle..." He begins slowly and I listen as I feed another spoonful to the hungry baby, he eats well but I think it's more to fill his stomach than because of the taste. "He killed Jill..." I pause and let it sink, but it doesn't. It can't. I am missing a part of myself, my heart has been ripped out and trampled on.

"He ambushed the Detectives at the safe house that they were at..." I stay silent. "He took the twins... and now he has her..." the knife in my heart twists and I lose what little control I have in my body, a sob escapes me.

"Please... don't let her die..." is all I can whisper to him.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now