Chapter 20

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Warning: non-consent sexual content


I stare at this monster who I used to call my friend... who now wants to rape me... he smirks at me and stalks towards me. Instinctively I begin walking backwards. He smirks as he closes the distance between us, my heart beats erratically when my back hits the cold wall. "No where to run... no where to hide..." he says to me and pushes his body onto mine.

I let out a scream. "P-please J-Jay..." I beg him not wanting this to go forward in the direction it is clearly heading.

"Mmm. I love it when you beg... feel what it does to me." He pushes his hard member onto my bare leg, I cringe and try to move my leg but that stimulates him. He groans before he grips my throat with both hands. "I know what you need... I'm the only one who knows." He squeezes and I begin to claw at his hands.

He groans even more and pushes harder against my body. I desperately try to get his hands off of me as I feel my lungs burn but I can't, my eyes feel like they are about to pop out of my sockets. My mouth is open but no sounds come out and no air goes in.

His eyes are black. The darkness closes in on me and my struggle lessens and my eyes roll back. He lets go of me and I crumple to the ground choking and gulping air. But I'm in an even more comprising position. He looks down at me with an amused expression.

"Ooh yes... good thinking..." I'm still trying to catch my breath when I hear his zipper.

"No." I croak out and try to crawl away. He yanks me by my hair pulling me back infront of his groin and I let out a shriek. He pulls his pants off and kicks them off to the side.

"Open." He commands but I shake my head, my jaw squeezed shut. "I said open your fucking mouth!" He screams at me, pulling me towards his groin. I shake my head. "I swear... if you don't open, I'll kill Daphne." I freeze and look up at him to see if he is serious.

He is dead serious. Tears roll down my face and I reluctantly open my mouth. "If you bite me..." he leaves his warning unfinished. He pushes my head against the wall and enters my mouth. I immediately want to pull away and gag but I know if I do that. I'll be sealing my brother and sister's death wish.

He pushes until he can't go any further. I gag from the member in my throat and he in turn moans. "Fuck yesss... your mouth is so good..." he grips my head and begins to buck his hips wildly against my face. My eyes fill with tears and my lungs scream at me for air. He doesn't stop. I see the darkness creeping over my eyes and I feel my eyes roll back from lack of oxygen.

Just when I think I'm going to pass out, he pulls out. I cough and try to calm my breathing. I don't get much time to recover before he shoves himself back into my mouth, he grunts everytime he hits the back of my throat and begins to thrust so hard, my head begins to bang against the wall. I gag and my hands try to push him away but he carries on until with one final push and groan, he cums in my throat.

I choke on it and try to swallow. I don't  want to drown, not before I fight for the twin's lives. He pulls out and I gasp for air, he chuckles. "Come on let's go see what the twins are up to, yeah?" Hearing him say that makes my heart leap but stop at the same time.

I slowly stand up. I feel the combination of slobber and his cum all over my face, I lift my shirt and use it to wipe as much as I can off. I hear him inhale sharply and I quickly pull my shirt back down. "I will play with those later..." he whispers into the dark and it sends shivers down my spine.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang