chapter twentytwo

68 2 1

wednesday february 11, 2015
time : 4:45pm
elizabeth's pov :

i just arrived at my moms places after i picked up olivia . the line for the kids was so long it was unbelievable. we walked in the house and headed to the kitchen
" hey mom , where's rachel ? " i ask as i lean against the counter . " she's in her room , changing out of her dance clothes" my mom tells me . 

" how was your day olivia ? " my mom asks her " you won't believe what happened ! " she squeals " john asked me to the valentines dance !!! " she squeals
" wait witch john ? " my mom asks " john b mom , who else " she playfully rolls her eyes . we all laugh for and congratulate her , she seems so happy about it .
" well we will go out tomorrow after school and look for you a dress ! " my mom says which makes olivia squeal again .

" i will be right back , i'm going to check on rachel . " my mom says , which leaves me and olivia alone in the kitchen " so what do you want for a snack " i ask as i open the fridge door to see what we got

" i'm not that hungry " she says and i nod . i continue to look around before getting this odd feeling " ahh " i say as i hold my belly , i then feel liquid running down my leg . i look up to olivia to see her eyes have gotten wide .

" mommy ! mommy ! liza is hurt ! " she screams . i then hear footsteps running in the room . " oh my god honey , your water just broke " my mom says and my eyes are now wide .

" oh god no she's early mom , i'm not ready " i tell her as she helps me down the hall way . " yes you are , your going to be just fine " she says . she then grabs my car keys off the hook and we all head to the car . my mom helps in the the passenger seat before getting in herself

" what do i do mom " i say as she starts the car " just sit their and relax , get your phone and call david " she tells me and i nod. i pull my phone out and call him

" hello - " " david " i say , basically sobbing my eyes out " elizabeth what's wrong , are you okay ?! " he asks me through the phone " no my w-water just broke . we're in the way to the hospital now . i-i don't even have my hospital bag . i-"  " babe don't worry , everything will be alright . i'll stop and get the bag and i will meet you at the hospital " he says and we get off the phone


about ten minute later we arrive to the hospital , i see david coming towards the car with the black luggage . he opens my door and helps me out " hi baby , i'm here everything will be fine okay " he says as he kisses my cheek . he helps in through the doors and we guides us to the desk

" hi, my fiancé's water just broke " he says as i lean into him . " o-okay , right thus way " the lady says as she presses a button behind the desk . a man and woman come over with a wheelchair .
" are these people with you ? " the woman asks " yes they are " " they will have to wait here u til after we get you a room and to check if your dilated.   " she says and i nod . i wave bye to my family and me and david make our way into the elevator. 

"once we arrive of floor three , we are wheeled into a room and they help me into the bed . " okay , the doctor will be in soon to check how dilated you are " the nurse says before leaving . she also hands me a night gown and tells me to put it on . the whole process was hard . david has to help me with literally everything .

after sitting back down , the doctor came in " hellos , what's your name ? " " elizabeth shaila koshy " i say , then he asks for the rest of my info and i tell him .
" okay , if you could please place your feet and these foot places. i will be checking how dilated you are . i do as told , he grabs the top of my gown and ruffles it up .he grabs a flashlight and looks at me down their .

a minute later he pulls away. " okay ms.elizabeth . you are currently one centimeter dilated . which isn't very much since your water has broken . we will be taking you to your room and then we will hook you up so we can't check the baby's heart rate and all . " he tells me


after i'm taken to my room and helped into the bed . a pretty blonde lady walks in the room with nurse scrubs on . " hi their , my name is lydia and i will be your nurse today . she says with a smile . she pulls out these pink and blue things with something attached to them " these are going to help us keep a eye out on the baby , make sure she's perfectly fine . " she says .

she then hooks me up to a monitor. i hold davids hand as she sticks the needle in my . " good job baby " he says then kisses my head " with in the next few hours , your contractions should be getting closer together . they will be on this chart . witch we will also be keeping track of . if you need anything , press this button . we will be in and out every thirty minutes . we will be sending your family up now " she says . i thank her as she leaves

" are you okay ? " david asks me as he places the bags down , i nod as he pulls a camera out that i got him for christmas .
" hey their baby " david says as he's now recording , i wave at the camera while trying not to laugh . " tell us what's going on now " he says and i smile .

" so my water broke around 4:45 while i was at my moms . so i called david on the way and we got here . i was checked and right now at 5:20 i'm one centimeter dilated . we have hours until baby dobrik arrives " i say with a smile

just then the door opens and in walks my mom and sisters " hey guys , say hi to the camera " david says and they wave . " rachel and olivia are y'all ready to be a auntie he asks and they nod " how about you carol , ready to be a grandma " he asks and she nods .

" so what did the doctors say ? " my mom asks and i tell her . as we continue talking david gets a call . " it's scotty" he says and answers it . he then walks outside before coming back in " babe you won't believe this " david says " what is it ? "
" kristen and scott,are here . kristens water broke about an hour ago." he says .

my eyes widen " oh my god , this is so crazy " i say and he nods . my mom laughed . about thirty minute later the nurse  came and checked on me .

" lydia , that's my mom and baby sisters " i say . they exchange a nice welcoming hello . " well ms. elizabeth , you are one and a half , almost two centimeters dilated . if i was y'all , i'd go home and rest until she's at least at seven . lydia tells them and my mom nods . they say their goodbyes and leave .

" also elizabeth, sadly you can't really eat food . only crushed ice ." lydia says and i nod . " i will bring you some in a bit ." i thank her as she leaves . " okay now we have time on our hands " david says " thinking what i'm thinking ? " i ask
" watching friends reruns ? " david says and i nod . he pulls it up on his computer that he brought . he then drags his chair over and we begin

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