chapter thirtyfour

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seven and a half months later

houston , texas
friday february 12 , 2016
time : 2:00pm
elizabeth's pov ;

today is mallory and chandler's first birthday. i can't believe my baby girl was born a year ago today . i look at her and see a little tot who's trying to walk all by herself . her shirt curly hair just barley reaching her neck . i love it , i love her

me and kristen have planned the birthday first birthday for them . the theme will be disney princes and princesses . her idea not mine . she found chan a cute little beast outfit while i found mal and adorable belle dress . it was all so perfect .

as the party began , our family and friends began to crowd up kristen and scott's home . as the party went on , i couldn't help but take thousands of picture of mallory . she was so beautiful. david calls her a baby e . because we look so much alike . but trust me , she was way prettier then i was .

" gather around everyone it's time for cake ! " kristen says as we make our wya towards the table . each of our babies had their own small smash cake . mallory's was baby pink while chandler's was a light blue . todd lit the candles and we all started to sing

" happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you ! happy birthday to mallory and chandler . happy birthday to you ! "

us parents then help the babies blow the candles out . everyone cheers as we put them in a high chair . after wards we cut the main cake and everyone enjoys the tots licking the icing off of theirs .


once we got home hours later . david helped me put all of mal's gifts up . we then bathed and laid her down for a nap .

after we cleaned our selves up . i pulled out my book while david was on his computer. " babe . we need to talk " he tells me " what is it ? " i ask him , sorta worried

" i got a job offer on monday " he states
" what type of job offer ? " " i have been invited to teach at ucla " my eyes widen after i realize what he has said " ucla ? t-that's in california . " i say and he nods

" think about it baby . this could be big for us . they have amazing schools in los angeles. " " yes but what about my family , what about kristen ? " i ask him

" they can come up and visit . or even better they could come ! scott applied for a job up their as well "

after he's done talking i stay silent . i can feel him staring at me but not in a bad way . as i think about what he says , he then speaks up

" we don't have to babe it was just an -"

" let's do it " i cut him off " are you for real ?" he asks me and i nod " yes , let's go to cali! " i say as he laughs and gulfs me into a hug .

" it's time for a change " he says as he kisses my lips

" it is indeed "


an : yes i know this ending is short . their was really no other way to end it . i might do a epilogue as chapter thirty five . but that's unknown yet . i hoped that y'all enjoyed this story !

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