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Farhan sheikh never knew what heartbreak would feel like until his best friend decided to break his heart. He still remembered that day, how excited he was; coming back to India after eight damn months and was so eager to meet her; the love of his life. Sadly he couldn't meet her on the first day as he came to know that she has been living in some village for the past few months. He was furious, to say the least.

Even though he was very tired, he still drove straight to that village without any second thoughts. He didn't forget to take that ring with him. The very same ring with which he was going to propose to her. He was so excited and had imagined a lot of things and also wondered how'd she react when he'd slip the ring on her finger.

What he didn't expect was getting punched by her husband instead.

His heart almost stopped beating for a moment as he watched Haya get into her husband's car and they just left without giving him a damn explanation. He could still recollect those awful moments; how numb he was...

He has been heartbroken ever since. He didn't even remember how he got himself to drive back home after hearing the horrifying news of Haya being married.

Maybe he was too late. He should have grown some balls earlier and proposed to her when they were still together. He shouldn't have left for Florida and not keep in touch. It was all his mistakes, entirely his... He kept blaming himself to date. It has been months now.

Even after everything, he masked his emotions and kept in touch with her. He helped her escape his devil father's clutches which cost him a lot. He was kicked out of his company because he started it with his father's money. He was even kicked out of his house, reason; he helped her escape from the kidnapping of his father. He didn't regret it one bit. As long as she was happy, it was enough for him.

The rescuing incident made her husband trust him a little and Haya is now his business partner. He had only himself to be blamed for that, it was him who proposed that idea and she had accepted it sceptically. But he was happy that she has agreed at least. He did that only for three reasons, one; he would get to talk with her whenever he could, two; he could see her at least once in a while, three; Haya's talent didn't deserve to go in vain just because she was married to a guy in an interior village.

He still loved her even after knowing she was now someone else's wife. He couldn't stop his heart from unloving her. The heart is a stupid thing, it never listens to us.

Farhan knew that he didn't stand a chance with her, not anymore. After seeing the way she and her husband were gazing at each other it was so clear that they were so in love. What broke his heart more was the news that she's now pregnant.

Even after all of this, he still acted like he's over everything and he was fine. When in reality he was not.

His mother, Ameera who was worried about her son got a proposal for him. She felt helpless the day when her husband has mercilessly kicked his own son out of their home. And she was worried sick ever since.

Ameera thought that Farhan needed someone; who'd take care of him and love him in her absence. And so, she started searching for a bride.

"Ammi, I'm not ready for marriage," Farhan said for the hundredth time. Ameera shook her head adamantly.

"I'm worried about you Farhan, I've been worried about you ever since your father kicked you out. You can't live alone your whole life. You need someone to be on your side to support you and to feed you." he rolled his eyes at her reply.

"I'm not a baby, ammi. I will survive. Please leave me alone." he whined irritatingly and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I can see how you're surviving... Look at this place. When did you last wash your clothes?" Ameera shot him a glare. Farhan had no answer to that.

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