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Boys are super strong and they feel no pain. That's the silly idealogy Natasha has ever had until she heard Farhan's loud shriek from the other room. It sounded so loud and painful that it felt as though she was in pain herself. And then she couldn't stay wrapped inside her blankets anymore. Worryingly, she threw the blanket away and marched off from her room and stood in front of his bedroom door, debating whether or not to get in.

They've always had a silent agreement upon not stepping in each other's space right from the start, which he broke that morning by stepping into her room and Natasha was somehow glad that he did come. But, she hadn't stepped into his room ever since their wedding night and memories of those pictures comes back flooding to her mind. And she no longer wished to go in, but his painful whine made her stop and the next second she was in his bedroom already.

Farhan looked at her, half surprised and half curious. His back hurt like a bitch. He had made a fool out of himself, trying to stand on the stool and get that suitcase down from that cupboard but fell on his back instead. How did that happen? He had no idea. It hurt a lot and he wasn't sure if he can go to work tomorrow. Maybe that was an exaggeration.

"What the hell?" Natasha shrieked as she held her hands for him, which he caught swiftly and stood up. Her face looked so worried and he was not sure but it looked like she was going to cry. Realization strikes upon him; after his mother, she was probably the only one who genuinely cared about him.

"Thanks," Farhan mumbled gratefully whilst sitting on the bed.

"How did you fall like that? Are you blind?" Natasha scolded him with concern and worry, but he felt himself smiling even in pain. For she looked so cute whilst scolding him. He wanted to go and pinch those cheeks of hers like he always did. But stopped as he saw her glaring at him.

"I'm fine, really," he said with a chuckle but stopped when her glare intensified.

"You could have broken a bone or something. Stop being so careless, Farhan. Why did you climb that stupid stool in the first place and what if something happened to you? Ugh, you're so..." her words further became muffled as he placed his palm over her lips, shocking himself and her, as he stood up to her level.

Natasha froze as his soft yet rough manly palms came in contact with her delicate lips.

I'm never washing it again.

He looked at her wide eyes with a small smile, happy at the fact that he was successful in making her quiet. But that touch of her soft lips on his palms made him feel things he has never felt before. He was not sure what it was. It sure was something else, something he could never explain. But he didn't feel like taking it off her lips, it felt oddly good. Although he had to take it off eventually. From the corner of his eyes, he saw her lip balm's imprint on his right palm.


"I'm fine. Look." to prove to her that he was really fine, Farhan walked for her. He was actually fine, the pain was still there. Maybe a tiny bit but he will live. He has survived worse.

Natasha nodded her head in a daze; still not over the feel of his palm on her lips.

She freaking kissed him indirectly and no, she was not doing fine at all.

"Be careful, don't pull such stunts again." she eyed the fallen stool and her eyes couldn't help but trail towards those walls. Stupid thing to do, she knew yet she couldn't help it. What she saw next has surprised her very much.

Because there were no pictures at all. Her mind went blank. She couldn't think anything else anymore.

"I-I removed them the next day." Farhan scratched the corner of his neck, nervously.

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