twenty two

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Farhan grinned at Natasha's flushed face. She looked anywhere but him. Haya passed them both a teasing smile and their trance was broken by Abrar, who entered the ward as well and passed confused glances to everyone, wondering why they're all grinning like fools.

"What did I miss?" He asked whilst walking towards his wife, who passed the sleeping baby to him. Whom he carefully lifted up and a warm smile formed on his lips automatically, "place her back on the crib..."Haya smiled at how soft he becomes whenever Hidaya comes into his arms. Abrar is going to be a great dad, for sure.

"Why were you all smiling?"Abrar asked again, Haya passed another teasing smile to her friends, "oh nothing really. Natasha was telling me how gem of a person her husband is and that I'm unlucky because I missed him."

The look on Natasha's face was worth a picture, Farhan couldn't stop himself from feeling happy. What did he do to deserve her as his wife?

"Oh?" Abrar, who should have been offended, laughed at that, then he continued," I'm glad that you're unlucky. Because it made me lucky and I got you." and the cheesy smile which he passed her way after that made her cheeks to turn crimson and it was her turn to blush hard now.

Farhan and Natasha passed knowing glances to each other. Sensing the awkwardness, "What do you guys want? Tea or coffee? Juice?" Abrar asked them both, as he placed the baby back on the crib. They both shook their head in negative with a small smile.

"We should be leaving actually." Farhan smiled sheepishly at Haya, who gasped at that and began to glare at her best friends.

"You both just came." Haya whined, Natasha passed a worried glance at her, "I know, I'm sorry yaar. But this is kind of important. We have to go."

Farhan looked uninterested anyway. But he had to go, for his mother's sake, "yeah. My Ammi and Abbu are hosting a party. We should be there in like half an hour."

Abrar became tensed at the mention of Farhan's father, Haya who understood his state of mind, held his hands to calm him down, he just blinked at her in assurance.

Farhan who also sensed this, became slightly awkward and tugged at Natasha's wrist, "we will meet next time then?"

"Insha Allah, but that better be soon. I miss you guys." Haya huffed dramatically, Natasha nodded with an apologetic smile," Insha Allah, take care of your self and good luck with the baby."

Bidding their best friend goodbye, Natasha and Farhan left the hospital with a small smile playing on their lips.

Natasha felt happy and relieved at the thought that; Farhan really did move on from his first love. The way he managed himself, in front of Haya and her new life, totally un-effectively, spoke volumes. But there was this corner of her heart which couldn't help but wonder; what if he was faking it all along?

"What are you thinking?" Farhan's voice broke her trance, who shook her head in no.

"Will your father like me?" Natasha asked out of the blue in order to not let him know of what she thought, as they drove to his old house. Farhan laughed at that, "you don't have to impress him or anything. For all you know, he kicked me out of his house. He doesn't have any rights to like you or dislike you."

She gave him an annoyed look, "but still, he's your father."

"Yeah, the same father who didn't bother attending our marriage. We are just going there for my Ammi's sake. That's all. Don't worry about him." Natasha felt glad for the distraction and didn't speak anything else about his father, knowing very well of the tension between them.

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