twenty six

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Farhan heaved a sigh of relief when he finished sketching the winter collection dresses, and now he is free for the next two weeks which will be spent qualitatively or so he hoped. An excited smiled appeared on his face as he thought of all the possible things which could be done on this road trip. He placed the notepad aside and took a look at his sleeping wife.

Natasha like usual had hair all over her face, making her look all the more adorable. God, why was she so cute? he controlled the urge to pinch her cheeks, not wanting to wake her up. A mischievous smile appeared on his face as he took his phone from the bedside table and clicked her sleeping picture. He gawked at the picture for longer than a minute with a cheeky smile and then took one sleeping selfie with her, which he later saved as his home screen.

Turning off the lamps with a grin, he laid on his side whilst facing her sideways. She moved in her sleep and snuggled into his arms, which he didn't mind one bit. She has been doing this a lot lately, snuggling him in her sleep, without even realizing that she's doing it. This has become their habit now, he for a fact cannot go a day without these snuggles. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes with a content smile on his face.

Months ago, if you told Farhan that he'd be married off with Natasha, his best friend and that he would be happy about it; he might have laughed at your face. But things changed and he was actually happy that Natasha is his wife. Anyone else in her place would have demanded a divorce on the first day itself considering how stupid he has been on the initial days of the wedding. It was hard for him to accept the marriage but she has been patient. She did show her anger and all, but she was absolutely patient and didn't demand anything from him as a wife should. Nor for his love or anything else for that matter.

He is so lucky to have her. He vowed to cherish her and to love her, as she deserved to and he will. He was still scared of her old love, but he assured himself to love her so much that she'd forget all about her first love and remember only him. He was already falling in love with her. Slowly but surely. The feeling was inevitable, it was bound to happen anyway. That's the magic of the bond called nikkah. Just like that, he had another best sleep of his life.


The loud chirping of birds and the morning dew of the winter season made Natasha smile in a daze, she woke up earlier than usual and blushed at the memory of it. Of how Farhan's hands were holding her waist and how she was snuggled into him, as though her life depended on it. She had this ridiculous smile on her face ever since.

Humming to herself chirpily, she sipped the black coffee whilst watering the plants in her garden. Talk about multitasking.

"Good morning." Farhan's deep and husky morning voice made her jump in surprise, as she spilt the coffee all over her legs; starling both Farhan and herself.

"Ow." she winced in pain, while Farhan bent down with a disappointed sigh, "when will you learn to be careful?" she sheepishly laughed at that, long-forgotten was her pain. And also the water pipe.

"Does it hurt?" he asked whilst washing off her legs with water, she shook her head in no, continuing to smile, to which he gave her a weird look.

"I'm fine, really." only after making sure her legs weren't burned, he got up. Holding her hand in his, he stared into her pretty green eyes, which was looking right back at him.
Their eyes get locked for a while and they forget the rest of the world around them. Till this date, he can't figure out what it is, but there's something about the way she looks at him. Something which pulls him into her a magnet, and he continued to stare at her like she was the most amazing person, which she actually was. He continued to stare until she blushed crimson.

Natasha has always dreamed of this day, where Farhan would look at her like she was his whole damn universe, and he here it was happening in reality, "why do you stare like that?" she asked meekly.

"Why do you stare like that?" he retorted with a teasing smile on his face, which made her cheeks go on fire. Unable to stand his intense gaze, she averted her eyes shyly and stared at the grasses down below.

Natasha's blush was replaced with a frown as he pinched her cheeks hard, "damn, you're so cute."

Farhan's eyes go wide as she hits on his arms, "it hurts, silly." which made him to pull her cheeks harder making her to him on him harder. What happened next was a war, with both of them chasing around; pinching and hitting each other. That's another perk of getting married to your best friend. Life was turning to be so blissful.


"Oh, Arsalaan. This is so cute." Natasha cooed in admiration as she held the big teddy bear in her arms, whilst talking with her friend on the phone. He sent it as a surprise birthday gift and she was in love with it already.

"I know right, my gifts are always best." Arsalaan laughed from the other side making her giggle, "don't be so full of yourself. But this is seriously so cute. I loved it, in fact, I'm going to sleep with this hereafter." "Gosh... how soft." she hugged the teddy bear tightly in excitement making her friend grin from the other end.

"I miss you," Arsalaan muttered a little sadly, he was happy that she is chasing her dreams and all, but he missed having her around during the classes and in the lunch breaks. He missed her company as a whole. She has been a great friend to him in just a short span of time.

Natasha smiled at that one, "more like you miss copying my notes or making me do your works?"

"That too." she heard him snicker.

"Mean." she huffed with a dramatic sigh, "but seriously... I miss having you around. Let's have a meet up after that trip?"

"I miss you too." she smiled sadly, "and I'm up for anything, but make sure you don't invite that Alisha." her voice turned bitter at the end.

Arsalaan hummed in response, "we stopped talking with that girl right after you informed about her cheap intentions. Don't worry. Let me know when you will be back, I'll plan something."

"Cool. Say hi to your sister too, sorry I gotta go now. Bye, Allah Hafiz." she hung up the call not waiting for his reply.

"Farhan... What are you doing? Give it back." Natasha whined at her husband, who was glaring at the teddy bear.

"What are you? Six?" she glared at him in return. How dare he?

"I don't care, give it back." she tried to pull it back but he held it high, making her huff.

"I'm not letting this thing anywhere on my bed." the thought was actually very disturbing.

"Why? Look how cute and soft it is, I can hug it all day. What is your problem?"

"You have me." his words turned her to go speechless, "if you want to hug so badly, I will gladly comply." throwing the teddy away from his hands, he pulled her waist closer to him and hugged her tightly, whilst nuzzling his face in her neck.

Natasha was too shocked to react sanely. Was he seriously jealous over that cute teddy bear?

"You can hug me all day, I have no problem," he whispered huskily whilst placing soft kisses on her neck, making her forget everything else as she moaned in a daze, and held tight onto his back for support fearing she might fall down. A gasp left her mouth as he bites on the same spot. Shivers ran down her spine as he now kissed there again. What the hell is he planning on doing?

Their moment was abruptly disturbed by the doorbell, making them pull back with a jerk.

"I'll go and see who it is," Farhan grunted, angry at the stupid interruption.

Natasha touched her neck in a daze. God, it felt weirdly good. His kisses always this crazy effect on her. A shy smile formed on her lips as she walked downstairs, curious to find out who it was and her breath hitched as she saw who it actually was.

Sasha King. Her least favourite person has decided to surprise visit Farhan and Natasha's dislike for this woman has increased to another new level.

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