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Farhan was blank. He didn't know what to say to that line. 'Just like how you still love Haya. Yes.' And it was driving him insane. Why was the thought of Natasha loving someone else bothering him so much? Why? He had no answer to that. But the actual question was, did he still love Haya? Maybe a tiny little corner of his heart still has feelings for her, but for the past two weeks, she hasn't crossed his mind as she used to every time. He had other things to distract him and even now, thinking about Haya doesn't make him feel sad.

That probably meant one thing; he was moving on from his first love. Haya didn't affect him the same anymore. And that made him feel glad. Yes, he was glad. Glad to let go of the feelings which didn't do anything but hurt him.

But there was this little corner of his heart, which was feeling things which he shouldn't be feeling. Natasha is still in love with her lover and why the hell was he feeling angry about it?

"Why did you agree to marriage when you're so in love with that guy?" Farhan didn't care if his voice sounded bitter because he wanted to know. It's getting into his head and he had no idea why.

"It was a one-sided love you see, the guy never knew that I loved him. It was better that way." Natasha smiled sadly, as she looked out of the window once again. The hot wind and busy road were more fascinating than Farhan's curious questions. She wasn't sure if she could lie to him any further. But she will never let him know that it was him, who she loves like a madwoman.

"Why didn't you tell him? You could have tried, at least there wouldn't be any regrets." Farhan couldn't help but ask, she snapped her towards him and smiled. It was one of those rare smiles which Natasha used when she wanted to mask her emotions, she was a pro at it now.

"He loves someone else and I couldn't risk my friendship with him, So I kept quiet. Maybe I should have tried, but I'm sure that it would have caused a lot of regrets if I've confessed. I'm better this way."

Farhan gave her a blank stare. He had no idea who this woman in front of him anymore, she is not his best friend Natasha. She's changed a lot. For good or bad he's yet to know.

"You haven't properly answered my question yet."


"Why did you marry, when you were so in love with someone else?"

"I-I was tired. I was tired of constantly getting hurt and expecting him to look at me in the ways he'd never look. I wanted to forget everything and start afresh. Maybe I thought marrying someone would have helped me. I married because I wanted to be loved and cherished. I wanted to feel what it'd be like to be loved by someone, who I'd call mine. But guess, I'm not lucky enough?" she smiled bitterly and turned her gaze away leaving a dumbfound Farhan. He was speechless and shocked by her reply.

"Who is he?" Farhan wouldn't lie, he was so curious from the past three weeks to know who was this mystery guy.

"Why are you so interested in my love life suddenly?" Natasha snapped at him, angrily.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Farhan looked away, and the rest of the ride went in silence, neither of them spoke anything. The drive continued in silence.

Suddenly the car came to a halt taking Natasha off guard, she keeps looking at her surroundings in confusion as it's neither a shopping mall nor a cinema theatre as she thought it would be. Disappointment washed over her. But her eyes further widened in surprise, when Farhan opens her side of the door and gave her his hands. She looked at him reluctantly and when he noticed that she isn't giving her hands anytime soon, he took it on his own and made her get down.

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