phase three : falling in love

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It takes a lot of guts to actually go and face things that you knew will hurt your feelings. But maybe it takes just that to let go of the past; face it and accept it. What is not meant for you will have to leave you one day. Farhan heaved an inward sigh as he stared at the mirror. His reflection was numb and blank but he knew what he was doing.

"Farhan." Natasha's familiar voice came from behind as she placed her hands on his shoulders and eyed him through the mirror. For a while they did not speak anything, just stared at each other's faces silently. While each of their eyes held fear, for very different reasons.

"If you don't want to go means we don't have to, you know." Natasha gave him a nod, he blinked his eyes in no.

"I got this, It's alright." he forced a smile, but she gave him a worried glance, masking the hurt which she is feeling for the longest of time.

"You've got this," she mumbled again. He nodded his head, "let's go?"

The ride to the hospital went in complete and utter silence. None of them spoke anything for the rest of the ride. Natasha stared at the skies and roads as she placed her head against the window, not exactly knowing what is going to happen next. But something was going to happen, good or bad is up to the almighty.

"We're here already," Natasha asked in surprise, as she got down from the car, like expected there was no response from him as he was lost in his own thoughts.

"You really don't have to do this to yourself," Natasha murmured as they walked into the hospital and stopped at the reception area.

"I want to." he gave her a sad smile and she became silent after that.

"Patient named; Haya Shah. Which floor is she on?" Farhan inquired the lady at the desk, who nodded her head whilst going through the register but frowned when not finding her name.

"Sorry sir, there's no patient with that name." the receptionist replied, they both passed each other confused glances and it was Natasha who spoke this time, "can you check with Hayat shah."

The receptionist nodded again and sighed in relief when the said patient's name was found on the register, "ward no. 408. It's on the fourth floor."

Farhan gave Natasha a small smile, to which she blinked her eyes and they walked towards the elevator, together. When the destined floor came into view, Farhan was the last one to come out.

"You're sure you want to do this?" Natasha asked again. Farhan gave her a blank nod as they walked towards the ward. 408.

He stood in front of the doorknob for a second before clicking it open, and the view in front of him silenced him for a moment. Natasha gave his hand a little squeeze, as she held his hands and gave him an assured nod.

"Assalamualaikum," Natasha greeted happily and made their presence aware to her another best friend, who gave birth just two days ago.

"Walaikum Asalam." Haya and her husband, Abrar smiled at them warmly as they both walked in.

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