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You smirk, watching his camera black out as he expects some lewd picture.

"Told you, I got that 🎂"

You hear him burst into raucous yet nervous laughter.

"You clown"

"I'll turn your software into hardware"

"File too big"

"I'll get you back for catching me off guard"

"I'd like to see you try"

"Still...I'm surprised you haven't asked me to show myself yet"

"Were you waiting for me to ask?"


"I mean, I am curious"

"But it's more mysterious this way"

"We'll know nothing about each other besides the words we share"

"you're right"

"Well I've established you have attractive hands so..."

"I mean, they look good on you"

"But they'll look even better around my neck-"

"I'd love to, but I'd get arrested for animal abuse"


"Assuming you're a beast in bed ;))"


"Well since I'm the beast, you must be the beauty"

"Beauty and the beast ;))"

"Bruh marry me"


"Say lesss. What else those fingers do thoughhh"

"Type, type"

"Until I hack into your heart"


"it's getting late"

"sleep you hoe"

"bye papi"

[call ended]


The next morning

Your eyes greet the sunshine, lazily rolling open after your few hours of sleep.

"You really gotta be that bright?" you squint, drawing your blinds

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"You really gotta be that bright?" you squint, drawing your blinds.

You arrive at your workplace after a short drive, the strong scent of coffee lingering in the air. The clattering of high heels resonate through the building, fitted blazers and blouses taut on the workers that adorned them.

The woman at the reception pops her red lips together, peering over her glasses as she observes your ID card and signs you in. You proceed, the smell of new books invading your nose as she flips though a file. You loved the musty scent of new books.

You doze off as you make your way up , unaware of the figure silently creeping up behind you.


You turn around, totally unaffected as you face your colleague and his failed attempt in scaring you. "What the heck, Lucas. You'll never scare me, give up"

"I will one day. Watch me" he pouts, arms crossed in irritation. "It's only been 5 chapters, I'll succeed soon"

"Yeah yeah" you grin, patting his shoulder. "I'll be waiting"

"Have you heard about the house of parliament exposure? Apparently one of their nudes got leaked" he tells you as you both walk towards the lift. "They're all holding a meeting tonight"

"That's kinda funny" you snort, "It it the same guys who've been trying to hack our unit?"

You recall your encounters with V and J. Most of the conversations you'd had with him were fun and games, but perhaps you should start asking them some serious questions next time. But then again, they probably won't tell you anything unless you joined them.

"Most of the other units have been eliminated, you know. We're lucky we're still standing" he says, hair sleeked backwards as he walks ahead of you. "Of course, all thanks to you..."

"It's nothing, really" you smile sheepishly, ruffling your hair. All you did was just add some extra layers of security to the system.

But something still bugged you. Ubiquitous thoughts popping into your brain like those dirty ads on illegal sites.

J had mentioned that the government was "corrupt" and had dark secrets. Were you really protecting the right thing?

Should I tell Lucas?

You glance at your trusted friend and colleague, his pensive eyes deep in thought. Maybe not yet...

"Are you sick of sitting in your office for work?" he randomly asks, head tilting back to look at you. "I've been assigned to go to some place for observation, well if you'd like to accompany me..."

Your face lights up in delight. "Yes please!"

But little did you know, from this moment on, you had fucked up.

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