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You had stuck your foot out to trip him, but your tactic backfired when he pulled you down with him.

In his arrogant triumph, he smirked - just a small pouting of the lips; a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of the head. It was so subtle, it was even more infuriating for you who caught a glimpse of it after making the foolish mistake. The air is so brittle it could snap, and if it doesn't, you might.

His hand is placed beside your head, body slowly shifting above you as he balances himself.

"This position suits you" he gazes down at you, deep tone devoid of the irritation he had previously showcased. "Since you're a servant, below me is where you belong"

Meanwhile Lucas watches you both, rather dubiously; "Aight imma head out"

Your fingers twitch in restrained annoyance, back slightly quivering against the cold marble floor. You sigh lightly, eyelashes fluttering closed as you mentally strengthen your resolve. If you give him the reaction he wants, you lose.

Lips perking into a smirk, you meet his deep gaze which bore into yours. He tilts his head, soft wisps of hair touching your forehead. "The fuck you smirking at?"

"I wanna do bad things to you" you say, tongue languidly swiping over your bottom lip.

His eyes framed with thick lashes widen imperceptibly, blinking once. "Like what" 

You lift your head, leaning closer until your lips brush past his cheeks - stopping until it reaches his slightly pink earlobe. A soft scent of vanilla and cologne waft past your nose as you sniff and lightly exhale, the heat of your breath washing over his ear. "LIKE BREAK YOUR LEGS AND THROW YOU OFF A BUILDING-"

You find yourself pulled away from him instantly as he slams you back onto the floor. "You got close to tell me that-?!"

All the tension built between these moments dissipate in an instant as you both scramble away from each other. Both of you adorn expressions of disgust, flashing middle fingers and meaningless insults from across of the room.

"Go bald you sexy bastard"

"If I was a bird you'd be the first person I'd shit on"

"My middle finger gets a boner when I see you"

You pause, eyes squinting in perception as you ponder; wasn't he just avoiding the question you asked earlier? "So, about what I asked earlier..."

The reason you wanted to know was not to get him into trouble, like he probably assumed. J and V had mentioned they had attempted to place double spies in government units, so what if he was a friend rather than foe? You wanted to ask him, but then again you can't risk leaking your identity over this simple theory.

"Suddenly my ears hurt" he pops.

"I swear, if you walk out that door-"

He ran out.


You scurry around the empty grounds aimlessly in search for Lucas after cleaning and finishing things off for the new 'headquarters'. This was your last day after all, so you decided to exert some effort. You had not seen Taehyung since either.



I already took my pay and left

why did you leave me alone 😭

I'm not trying to third wheel 😏

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