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You gaze at the four figures in awe.

V was Taehyung

N was Namjoon

Y was Yoonji

J was John Cena

These were the same anonymous hackers from online, except they weren't anonymous (to you) anymore.

"I'm sure you all know who I am" you awkwardly laugh, "but to summarise my characteristics, I would say I'm simply... built different"


They examine your stance in curiosity before bursting into a fit of chuckles. "You didn't disappoint"

"Are you guys seeing this though? What the hell is this place" Yoonji lightly exhales as she alights her gaze upon the dozens of starlit buildings and skyscrapers in awe.

"I let the boss know we're here, he should be giving us orders an
moment now" J announces. You tilt your head to his direction. The way you imagined him did not equate to his appearance in reality at all.

"Do you really think this is all the government was hiding? In my opinion, it was way too easy to find this place...as if we were almost led here..." Namjoon nibbles on his lip in thought, before intellectually adding, "I think theres more to it. Something they're hiding here...I just have a really bad feeling"

You hum in agreement. Whatever this place was, it was eerily empty despite covering such a large area.

You subtly side glance towards Taehyung, who for some reason remained quiet since his arrival. He seemed to be already looking at you, and as if caught he glares before quickly glancing away.

You slowly avert your gaze too.

"I've recieved orders from the boss" J announces in urgency, preparing to read off his screen.

"Good job. Welcome to Amethyst, the name of this city. Consider Y/N to be one of you now, and work accordingly with her. Now I want all five of you to split up and explore, report back to me if you find valuable information. I'll work on things my end too. That's all"

He finishes reading the message and looks up, mirroring all your troubled expressions. "That was rather ambiguous. We basically split up and explore?"

Something else was bugging you. The way he said welcome.

"Hey, who's your boss?" you ask.

"No idea" Yoonji shrugs cluelessly, "we take orders from a screen"

The gut feeling in your stomach amplified, but you brush it off.

"How we splitting up? I'll go with Namj-"

J shortly cuts V off, directing him towards you instead. "Not so fast. Keep the same energy for when y'all flirted online"

An awkward silence.

The tension in the air was thicker than Jimin's buttocks.

"Anyways" Yoonji smiles, "where we heading?"

"Where should we go? To the left, where nothing is right? Or to the right, where nothing is left?" Namjoom reads out from his book of wisdom, as a tear dramatically falls out his eye. "Sorry, just thought it was perfect to use this quote right now"

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