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Taehyung's POV

"What is this place?"

An expression of bewilderment adorns his features as he stands before the gateway, the flickering aqua lights reflected off his curious orbs.

Beams of light caught from the artificial rays sparkled above, around, in front of him, all emitted from the illuminating evolutions of the spiral enclosed around him.

He maybe expected to meet up at a cafe of some sort, but this place was totally beyond his comprehension.

And that being, you were nowhere to be seen. He glances at his phone. "I am thirty minutes late after all..."

"Shit...what if she never turned up to begin with? Does she hate me?"

"Whatever, I'll go in alone. I'll call J and the rest in case anything comes up..." finally deciding to stop waffling to himself, he begins to walk ahead; unaware he may be meeting the same fate as your sorry ass.


Your POV

"What the hell are you guys..."

Incredulity engraved into your widened eyes, you flinch as a metallic hand grips at your shirt, grazing against your nape abominably.

Right after you had arrived, you had a bag thrown over your head and had been abducted against your own will.

You are flung inside a tech lab of some sort, not catching sight of the unusual figures adorning uncanny costumes.

You are flung inside a tech lab of some sort, not catching sight of the unusual figures adorning uncanny costumes

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"Hey, you're not gonna leave me in here are you-"

The robot guy doesn't let you finish, callously shutting the door and trapping you in. As soon he leaves, all heads in the room turn towards you, those that were already turned rigidly fixed there.

"...Yes, it looks like she's a normie. No signs of adaptive body parts either. How did she get here...? I'll look into it, sir. Very well"

"One more thing, another four unauthorised figures have been spotted near the entrance. Find out how they found this place and get rid of them" the voice states sternly before abruptly hanging up.

Did Taehyung really come after all...? But who are the other three with him...

Your thoughts are shortly cut off when the masked guy averts his attention to you instead of the screen in front of him. "How did you find this place? Answer me"

"Google maps" you joke.

"Do you have a death wish-?" He asks, appalled at your lack of compliance.

"Kinda" you look the ground, feigning sadness.

"Oh shit..." He pauses, and although you couldn't see his face because of the helmet, his tone implied sympathy.

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