chapter three

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After a very long car ride we had finally arrived at their gigantic pretty mansion

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After a very long car ride we had finally arrived at their gigantic pretty mansion. For majority of the car ride I was just sitting there playing with Appa who wasn't even interested in me. Instead he was staring at Sebastian with his tongue out. It was weird but I'm not even gonna question it.

Not because I don't want to but because my dog doesn't speak human.

"This is where you'll be staying with Sebastian. Marcus and the rest of the crew live at the other side of the property." Mr. Constantine says.

I walked into the door to see a women standing there with a big smile. "Hi you must be Sapphire. I'm Taylor, Sebastian's mother."

She was gorgeous. She had bright blue eyes, dark black hair and such pretty features.

He pulls me into a tight warm hug. One that I wasn't used to. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Constantine."

"Just call me by my first time sweetie." She smiled and I return one.

Appa comes trolling in behind Sebastian with his tongue hanging out of his mouth happily. "Your dog doesn't want to leave me alone." He tells me.

"He's only like that with people he likes." I tell him. "Appa come to mama." I opened my arms. He comes over and I picked him up.

Why have children when you can have a doggy?

"Well I just stayed here to welcome you to the family."

"Thanks mom, I feel loved." Sebastian said sarcastically.

"Shut it." She warns him. "If my son is every bothering you please give me a call. I'll come down here and straighten him out."

"Okay got it." I laughed.

"Well Taylor and I have to leave for our anniversary vacation in an hour so hopefully you guys can get along. If not, figure it out. Bye." Mr. Constantine pulls his wife out of the door.

All of us stood there looking at each other.

"Can uhhh one of you show me where my room is?" I asked. Marcus shook his head no and walks away. I looked at Sebastian who rolls his eyes and sighs.

He motions for me to follow him and I do. We go up the beautiful yet very long stairs and into a hallway. "All the way down, last room to the right." He points.

"Thank—" I said but he already disappeared.

"Just you and me Appa." Both of us walked down the hallway. I opened the door revealing the room that I was going to stay at. The walls were painted white, the color scheme was grey, black and white. It was cute. It was definitely bigger than my old room.

I laid down on the bed for a little bit with Appa laying by my feet.

"Sleep tight buddy."


The next morning I was awake by boxed being thrown in my room. I should've locked that door.

"You, you have a lot of stuff." One of them says huffing and puffing.

"Yeah sorry my bad."

I waited for them to finish which only took 30 minutes since there were so many different men who were carrying my boxes up.

After they were done I went downstairs with Appa following me and went into the kitchen.

Marcus, Sebastian and another dude looks up at me.

"Does your dog follow you everywhere?" Marcus asks me.

"Only when he's in a new environment that he's not used to." I sat on the stool in front of them.

"So do I have to bait anyone tonight or am I gonna sit in my bedroom watching netflix with Appa?" I bit into the apple that I grabbed from the bowl.

"Yeah. Samuel Beckett." The other guy who had glasses on spoke. He had fluffy brown hair, brown eyes with golden specks in it. He had tan skin and looked so much like a nerd or a geek or whatever. "I'm Colton by the way." He holds his fist out and I bumped it.

"I've seen him before. He gave that girl Rosie head and then shot her right in the boob right afterwards." I said causing them to all raise their head and look at me.

I mentally shuddered imagining how much pain that girl was in.

"The boob? Damn that must've been painful." Marcus shudders.

"Well obviously but she died since the bullet hit her straight in the heart." Poor girl. This is where baiting could get you.

"And how do you continue baiting after hearing about that?" Marcus asks me.

"I have no choice." I shrugged. "So what did he do?"

"Owes us about two million dollars." Sebastian replies taking my apple.

My very crunchy crispy green apple.

"That's was mine." I whined.

"I don't care." He bites another piece. "Plus we're getting married. We're gonna have to share."

"Tuh I don't see a ring yet." I wiggles my ring finger and took my apple back. Then I thought back to what Mr. Constantine said about him messing with random women. "Actually never mind here."

"I don't have stds." He tells me.

"Just because you say it doesn't mean I believe you." He chuckles shaking his head. "You guys don't seem scary at all for gang members."

"That's because we're having a good day. Right guys?" Marcus says. It's obvious that he was joking.

You can hear the humor in his voice.

"Trust me sweetheart, we'll get there. You just haven't seen what I can do yet." Sebastian grins.

I rolled my eyes not believing him. Or maybe I did deep down.

Nah, I don't. 

"Yeah, yeah. What time do I have to be ready by?" I asked Colton.

"Umm 6."

"Okay." I hopped off the stool and started going back up to my room.

"I like her, she's fun." I hear Marcus say which makes me smile. At least one of them likes me so far.

published: september 16th, 2020
shoutout to @ buttercupjd31 for making the cover for my story. Message her if you guys want a new cover for your story!

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