chapter thirty five

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"I don't think that's necessary

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"I don't think that's necessary." I told Marcus who was holding up chains.

"Are you kidding? If Sebastian sees you in that arena and he finds out that I knew you were the outsider fighting, he will kill me." Marcus swings just hands all over the place.

"I doubt it. You're his best friend." I laughed at how overly dramatic Marcus is.

"He may not kill me but he might choke me." He crosses his arms.

"Y'all like to be kinky with each other or something?" Colton asks. I raised my brow at Marcus who raised his at Colton.

"Sir, my oh so innocent Colton." Marcus starts. "That's all you and your tech friend from room 35D."

Colton sulks down in his seat next to me. I giggled patting his shoulder while he looked out the window.

The door to the diner opens and everyone went quiet.

He looks around before his eyes land on me. His lips curved up into a wicked smirk. He strolls over to our booth sliding into the open seat next to Marcus.

He sits in front of me while Marcus is pushed into the window.

"Vallin." Marcus spits.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for her." Vallin points at me.

He had dark brown eyes and hair. He was pale but not too pale. He wasn't buff but I can tell he had a good amount of muscle in his body.

Not gonna lie he was attractive but he wasn't Sebastian.

That boy could turn me on just by smiling at me.

Hiz eyes roam my body... well the parts that he can see. His eyes land on my chest. I had a white tank top on with a leather jacket on.

Yes I wore a leather jacket. I think it looks cool okay? Okay.

Colton hand moves to cover my chest making Vallin glare at him. I quickly zipped up my jacket.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"So Sebastian can't fight, so he's sending in a girl? Are you sure you want to ruin your manicure?" He smirks. "A pretty face like yours should stay on the outside of the ring."

"I rather be the one putting you in pain than watch. Watching doesn't satisfy me enough." I played with the knife sitting in front of me.

"What makes you think a girl like you, could hurt a guy like me?" He leans in closer putting his arm on the table.

I mocked his motions. "What makes you think I can't?" I asked.

"Because you're a girl. You're weak."

Marcus and I snorted. "You're talking to the wrong girl Val."

"Marcus you and I both know what I'm capable of." Val grins. "You won't walk out of there alive."

The grin is so familiar. Like I've seen it before. The smirk, the grin, the threats.

"How about you forfeit and maybe we could have a very pleasuring night. I mean that's only what girls are for. Pleasure."

I glared at him. Marcus quickly grabs the knife out of my hand that I was gripping onto tightly.

"Val is this what you came here for? To annoy us?" Marcus asks rolling his eyes.

"No, I just came to check out my competition. She's hot." He winks at me but I continue to glare at him. "Maybe instead of fighting how about I just dick you down in front of everyone? Give them a nice show." He smirks.

That fucking smirk.

"Are you gonna stare at me and not say anything?"

"I'm saving all this anger so when I finally get into the ring with you, I'll make sure you have a slow and painful death." I spat getting up.

He grabs my wrist pulling me down to his height but Colton grabs my other arm pulling me away from Val.

"Colton, stop with your overprotective ass. We all know you're not gonna do anything." Val laughs.

Colton glared at him. "I throw this blade straight into your eyeball bitch." He spits angrily. A side of Colton that we barely get to see.

"Wow you finally found your balls. Great for you Colt." Val smirks.

"Leave Colton alone." Marcus and I spat in sync.

"Wow Sebastian's lucky eh? To have such a nice crew. The best friend who's overprotective, the quiet tech geek who apparently is tough now and the hot ass prostitute that he can fuck anytime he wants." Val continues to mock.

I swiftly grabbed the knife from the table putting it against his neck. He smirks as I leaned closer.

"Continue to degrade me and I'll stab you right here, right now." I said through my gritted teeth.

"Go ahead but just know I didn't come here alone. If you kill me, they'll kill you." He smirks. I should cut his lips off.

"Saph." Marcus says in a warning tone when I don't back away.

"Saph c'mon." Colton tugs my arm. I looked up to see several guys in the diner focusing on us. There was about twenty of them.

I dropped the knife on the table and put on a fake smile. "You're lucky this time."

"Can't wait for us to be in the ring together. Wear something sexy." He winks.

"Start planning your funeral bitch." I snapped before walking out.


published: march 25th, 2021

I hope everyone is having a great week so far. Thank you for 7k followers, I really appreciate it!!!

Have a great day, MUAH!

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