chapter sixteen

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"Yes you can hang that up there

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"Yes you can hang that up there."

"No it wouldn't look nice."

"Is it me or is that kind of lopsided?"

All morning I've been helping the decorators decorate the back patio and the house. Who knew decorating could take this much brain work.

I've already had the snack crew come and sort everything out yesterday.

Sebastian and I haven't talked at all since Tuesday night. It worries me a lot but I just decided to distract myself by party planning.

My phone rings so I picked it up. "Hellooooo greetings from Canada." Marcus screams.

"Do you have to be so loud?" I spat rubbing my ear that is ringing now.

"Yes, yes I do. What's all the ruckus in the background? Are you doing the nasty with Sebastian?" He asks and I can most definitely see him grinning wiggling his eyebrow.

"No there are people decorating for the halloween party in here." I motioned for one of the girls to move another piece of decoration to another corner.

"Oh. So I don't get a niece or nephew anytime soon?" 

"No." I said quickly. The thought of children made me happy but I'm still only 17. I'm basically a child myself.

"So how's the relationship going? Spill allll the tea."

"Well we're not talking at the moment."

"ALREADY?" He screams into the phone again.

"Marcus cmon!" I whined.

"Sorry but seriously what happened?"

"He asked me if I was going to stop baiting and I just said I don't know." I shrugged. I do that way too much.

"Well I can understand why he'd ask you to stop. Watching your girlfriend seduce another dude while you're listening isn't a great thing." He says.

"Yeah I know. It's just I turned baiting into a good thing. I'm able to help catch these bad guys and lock them up in a prison where they'll be tortured and punished." I sighed. Honestly that didn't sound great when I said it out loud.

"You can help in many other ways."


"Well you have the tendency to get people to spit out what you need them to spit out. You can help us figure out what some of these men have done."

"I guess."

"Just give him space and time. I can already tell that you got him whipped so he'll 100% come crawling back."

"Okay." I whispered.

"Don't worry Sapphy Taffy you guys are gonna be fine but if anything goes wrong you can call me anytime for help."

"Thanks Marcus."

"Anytime. I gotta go talk to you soon muah." He says before hanging up the phone.

For the rest of the day I continued planning the party to make sure I did everything right.

"Spit it out!" I said punching the guy in the stomach

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"Spit it out!" I said punching the guy in the stomach. He spits at me and I tried going in for another punch but I stopped myself.

"I'll get you to tell me where your crew is. I'm making sure I take every single one of you fuckers down." I snapped before closing the door.

"Are you okay boss?" One of my men ask.

"Yeah." I grabbed my water taking a sip.

"You seemed kind of angrier the past two days." He tells me.

"It's just personal issues. Make sure you let all the younger ones know that the halloween party starts at 7."

"Well since you're here who's planning it?" He asks.

"My girlfriend." I smiled at the thought of her.

"So you're not gonna hook up with some random chick this year?" He grins.

"Uhm I've never done that at my parties before." I shook my head. "I don't trust a bunch of horny people in my house without my supervision."

"Makes sense." He shrugs. "Enjoy the rest of your day boss." We fist bumped and parted ways.

On the way home I thought about my girlfriend. My beautiful girlfriend. We haven't been on speaking terms since Tuesday and it's killing me. I want to apologize for avoiding her but I don't know the right words to say.

I knew baiting was apart of who she became but it just makes me angry seeing her around guys. My dick is the only dick that she can wrap her hand around.

Ever since I met her at her old house I knew she was gonna have a big affect on me. I mean I saw her in black oversized sweatpants and her cropped grey hoodie and I almost got aroused like what kind of man just gets aroused the first time meeting a girl?

I've heard of her when I was 16 when I just started out. I only knew her name but my dad told me to be careful around girls like her. He told me never to date a baiter. You can see how the tables have turned.

Baiters are manipulative, they know how to fake the right things to get what they wanted. They hide their emotions and forget about feelings. I slept with a baiter before, she knew what to say but she didn't know I was a leader in training.

I can tell when someone is trying to be manipulative, that came easy to me. When I met Sapphire I slept with other girls to get her out of my head just for a little while.

She wasn't baiting to kill men, she was baiting them because she knew they were bad and needed to be contained. She had a heart. She still cared for people even though she grew in an environment where her people didn't care about her at all.

Sapphire was always on the market. She may not know that or maybe she did but her uncle continued trying to get the highest bet.

I stumbled upon this and even though I didn't know what she looked like I just wanted her.

Hell I walked into his house expecting her to be a regular pretty girl with straight blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes. Maybe because majority of the girls I come across are blonde and have blue eyes but when she walked down those stairs everything about her caught my attention. Her dark brown curly hair, her beautiful chocolate brown eyes that looked golden in the sun, those dark pink plump lips, her tan smooth tan skin... I'm so creepy but I just admired her.

I'm glad she didn't look over at me for too long or else she would've noticed me staring. Marcus did, in fact he was the one to nudge me back into reality.

This girl was going to be the death of me and I didn't mind it one bit.


published: december 16th, 2020

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