chapter thirty three

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'Look little girl'

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'Look little girl'

The two lifeless bodies on the grass, puddles of blood surrounding them.

'It's all your fault'

He smirks, tears rolling down my cheeks.

'I'll find you, and you'll be with them'

He chuckles and I screamed. I screamed but no one could hear. I was alone.

'Hope you enjoyed your birthday'

The man grins walking away and laughing wickedly.

My body shoots up, I'm covered in sweat, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Shit, ow... baby I tried getting up but—" Sebastian says trying to sit up.

For the past few weeks his shoulder has been getting better. He has been doing physical therapy and he's improving but we don't think he's ready to go train.

"No, it's okay." I wiped the tears away. I slowly helped him lay back down.

"What was it about this time?" He asks with concern.

Most of the time when I woke up from a nightmare we'd either talk about it or we go back to sleep.

Sebastian says it's better if I told someone about it rather than keeping it to myself. It helps but it still hurts.

"Same place, same day. He was taunting me after he killed them." He intertwines our fingers running circles on the back of my hand. "I tried screaming and he just laughed."

"Did his face appear this time? Maybe a name?"

"No, my surroundings were clear but he was blurry." I sighed. I laid back down next to him.

"I wish there was something I could do to help." He mumbles.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it. All I need from you is to stick by my side."

"That I can most definitely do." He smiles. "I'm suppose to go train in two days."

"No." I told him.

He looks at me confusingly. "But I need to get back to train. I need to win that fight."

"You're not going to fight. You can't. Your shoulder is still weak and it will be for a while. One blow to that shoulder and it could be over for that arm."

"Saph, there's no one else who could do it, if there was I wouldn't be stressing over it."

"An outsider could do it. Someone who isn't apart of the gang but will fight for it." I suggested.

"Now why would an outsider wanna fight for my gang? What sense does that make?" He questions.

"Maybe they have their reasons. We'll find an outsider. I'll find one but as for you, I'm not letting you enter that ring. I'll shoot you in the leg if I have to." I warned.

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