Chapter 8

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Tomeka opened her eyes just as the sunlight hit them. She had forgotten that she was not at home in her own bed. She had slept well so she decided she would order herself some breakfast. Tomeka turned on the TV and picked up the phone to order from room service. Just as she was about to dial the number there was knock on the door. She wondered who I t could be since no one knew where she was. When she opened the door there was a security officer standing there.

"Mam, I'm here to remove your things, are you ready?" he said with a serious look on his face.

Tomeka laughed "remove my things, you can't be serious" she looked at him still laughing and saw that he did not have a smile on his face. "I'm sorry, you don't have to do that you have the wrong room"

"No, mam. The owner had strict orders to help you pack your things and come downstairs." The officer replied.

She was confused but she did what the owner asked. She did not have much, so she took what she had and followed the security officer. When she made it downstairs, she demanded to know why she was being removed from her room. When she did not get the answer, she wanted she wanted to speak with the owner of the hotel.

"Sorry mam, the owner is away on business, but he left this note only to be opened by the day manger." Said the desk attendant.

She took a seat in the lobby and waited until they could find the manager. She was furious and everyone in the lobby could see that by the way she sat with her legs crossed and she was bouncing impatiently.

"Sorry about the wait mam, but you have been moved to a different room, paid for in advance for the next three days. This was the owners request." Said the manager as she walked Tomeka over to the desk.

"That was nice, I guess I'll be going" she said confused.

Tomeka rode the elevator in a daze. This is the second time an owner of a place had done something like that for her. She was still confused on why the owner would be such a thing. He did not even know who Tomeka was, and to her that was weird. She was happy it happened that way though. She would have the room for the next three days and it would give her time to think about the move she had just made.

She had made it to her room, she used the key and used the door open. When she went in the room was completely dark. It was bad enough that the hallway was a little creepy and strangely quiet she thought now it's dark in here to shit where the light switch at.

As soon as the lights came on, she could not believe her eyes. She had been moved to a suite, and the first thing she saw was the room was filled with gifts.

"How did he find me, I know he did not know I was coming here, hell I didn't even know. This is bull, he can't do this to me I don't want his bullshit ass gifts." Tomeka mumbled very angrily.

In the living room there was a big bear that was holding what looked to be a jewelry box. She walked right past it. "cute bear" she said sarcastically. On the table in the middle of the living room there were a bunch of envelopes.

"To late for love notes now." She huffed.

She opened the door to the next room, there was a beautiful California king bed perfectly made with big shopping bags placed carefully on top. "I'll look at that shit later" she said loudly with frustration. She opened the door to the bathroom. Her first thought was the shower was amazing. She pressed the button on the side of the shower head. It was in the shape of a bar with holes in it, that had beautiful lights that strum down throw the water right into a Jacuzzi.

"A waterfall" she gasped, "he gave me a waterfall, through everything we have been through I have to say this is a really nice way to end this." She turned off the water and walked back into the room. She stared at the bags she took the first one and opened it. There was a card on the inside of the bag that read 'for today'. She placed the card on the bed and removed and dress from the bag. It was almost as stunning as a ball gown. She smiled and moved to the next thing in the bag. It was lingerie that was the same color as the gown with a black and orange trim. Last was a shoe box in the bottom of the bag. She paused looked around and pulled the box from the bag. Even thought she was astounded by the dazzle the shoes had she dropped the box and went to the next bag.

The second bag which read 'tomorrow' was as good as the last. So was the third bag which read 'the next day'. Soon after she had looked in every bag and laid everything out on the bed, she noticed everything was designer. She felt the need to look around, she ran to the closet and looked inside. She let out a loud scream, there was a designer bag for every day of the week. She could not believe the was happening.

Tomeka jumped up and down excitedly and ran into the living room. She took a deep breath and looked at the box the big bear was holding. She hesitated and then reached for the box. Once her hand touched, she got a chill. She hated the feeling she got when there was a surprise but this time, the feeling was weird she did not know if she wanted the surprise or not. This feeling was crazy.

"Is every woman scared to open a box that says tiffany like I am?" she said out loud. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and opened the box. She opened her eyes to see a piece of paper covering the contents of the box. The paper read:


She moved the paper and let out a loud scream. Suddenly everything went black.

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