Chapter 10

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"Mam...mam, are you okay?" said the nice-looking man as Tomeka opened her eyes.

"You?" Tomeka said "how did you get in here?"

The name smiled, pointed at his name tag and said "I'm sorry mam but the people in the room next to you heard a loud scream and a thud as if someone had fallen. Security let me in."

As her eyes cleared from the blur, she could see that the room was filled with more flowers then before. She could not believe it; he did all of this for her. He was not good for her; he was not good for anyone, but he was showing her that he loved her and was trying hard from the looks of things to get her back. But Tomeka had made up her mind this was over no matter what he did. She had taken enough from him. It's too late she was gone.

"Did all of this come in with you?" she asked.

"Yes mam, the owner insisted that we bring it up and get it out of the lobby." The good-looking man excitedly answered.

"The owner?" she whispered.

The owner was around a lot she never seen him. Who was he and why does he keep doing this? She sat in the bar chair and looked around the room. She could not believe her eyes. There she sat in a beautiful presidential suit, surrounding in flowers, jewelry and clothes. All of this from a man she had never met. She asked everyone to leave once they were done and put her back to the door in deep thought. This was more than any man had ever done for her. All this, this was all done by a man, who she had never lead eyes on. She was living in her dream world, and she felt amazing about it.

She began to get undressed and took a shower. Moments later the phone began to ring. Who was it? No one knew she was here there should only be calls on her cell phone. She walked overtook a seat in the couch and picked up the phone.

"Hello, good evening Mrs. James. I am calling to remind you of your 2:00 meeting at the spa for your VIP experience."

"I'm sorry you have the wrong person, I'm Mrs. Willing. Room 317. I do not have a spa appointment. " Tomeka said sounding very assuring.

"they must have gotten your name wrong, because it says here ' full house VIP experience room 317, on the house." Said the man on the phone.

"I'll be right down" Tomeka answered and hung up the phone.

I don't know who the owner is, but he sure has taken this too far. There must be an angle no one is working this hard for nothing. I have to find out who he is and see what he wants. I know he is after something I can feel it. He has to stop this now.

When she made it to the spa everyone was staring at her. She looked around and noticed she was the only person in the room now. Was she there alone? All she could hear was the calming sounds of the water as it flowed through the fountain in the middle of the floor. Everything was amazing and yet all of this was for her.

"Mrs. James," the man said with a smile.

"Yes, you are, everywhere aren't you?"

"Yes mam," he said nodding "I have many jobs at many locations. Right now, my job is to help you with your full spa experience. Shall we begin?"

He extended his hand to her and led her to her room. The moment she walked in she almost cried. There was a candle lilt walkway leading to the massage table. Champagne in a big bucket of ice on the table. The candles everywhere flickered making the room look as if she was in her living dream. Her heart start to pound. He handed her a robe and walked out of the room. She took a deep breath and began to undress. 'All of this for me' she thought. This was what she needed. Relaxation, she was finally free.

When the man walked in the room, Tomeka was just getting on the table. When he touched her his hands were soft and warm. His touch sent a chill down her spine. It was as if she had been waiting for this for a while. She closed her eyes; she had not been touched like this in so long the feeling was amazing. After a while, the man began to talk but Tomeka was so deep in relaxation she could not hear a word he was saying.

"Nobody has ever seen Mr. James' wife. It's really nice to have finally meet you." Said the man.

"It's really nice to meet you to, but I am not his wife Mrs. James." She said.

''He pointed you out to us, how is it that you do not know your own husband?" asked the man sounding very confused.

"Listen..." she paused for his name.

"James" he said with a smile "call me James."

"James if you see the owner, I mean my husband could you tell him to come to my room? He clearly knows the number, it's in his name." she said as she began to sit up.

"Where are you going, I need to assist you with your spa day" said James.

"This has all been lovely, but I need to go" replied Tomeka.

She grabbed her robe and covered herself. Clothes in hand she walked back to her suite. When she got to her room, she laid in her bed daydreaming. Who was this man? He treated her like a queen. This man was her dream. She had no intention of falling for him and her heart no matter what she thought was enslaved to her husband. How could she let him go? She had been with him and only him for eight years. Nothing could change that right now, or at least that was what she thought. How can she fall in love with a man she had never met anyway?

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