Chapter 9:

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Sasha sat on the floor with her face in her hands. She could not believe what she had hear. None of this was real. The love of her life had found her, and she had been in a relationship with her uncle. They had a baby, they got married, and he died. Not everything was okay, but the world was turning into a big mess. She knew what it was, yet she decided to sleep with her uncle. That was the most disrespectful thing she could have done.

"How could this have happened, why would y'all do this to me?" screamed Sasha.

"I thought you didn't love me anymore, you left me. He was there for me when I needed help. I needed you and you left me, what was I supposed to do?" Tonya said with tears streaming down her face.

Sasha looked up. She knew that she had hurt Tonya but doing this made no sense. He was the last family member she had. Her parents were gone, her grandmother was gone, and now her uncle. Of course, her mother was the second of four children, but she never knew the other two children, or where they are if they even still existed. She trusted no one else they all meant her no good.

The room was soundless. Only the ticking of the clock was heard as they both stared blankly at each other. There were so many questions, but no one could answer, no one could say anything. What was next? Sasha had no idea where to start, she felt doomed and a little defeated. No way this was her fault and she was not going to make it seem as if it was.

"When did it start?" Sasha asked hoarsely

"A week after you left, I was sitting alone in front of the house that was once yours. I was confused on why you had left, I knock on your door and called you every day. He saw me sitting there and told me to cheer up, that this was something you had to do." Replied Tonya.

"Yes, but why him? You could have had any man or woman you wanted, yet you chose the one person closest to me." Cried Sasha.

"Exactly. Close to you! I missed you." Screamed Tonya.

Sasha was hurt, she had missed Tonya too. She did not want to live but it really was something she had to do. Her grandmother wanted better for her and she wanted better for herself. She was convinced that this was not her fault. This was something she was not going to apologize for. Her life with Tonya was fun, but she had to grow up one day. With her grandmother gone there was not a reason to stay in that house.

"You will not blame me for this, you could have gotten a new pet. Found a hobby, even started learning to bake. Instead you started fucking my uncle. My uncle!" yelled Sasha.

Tonya was speechless. Sasha was right, how could she have done such a cruel thing. But she had not done it alone she had help. There was no way Sasha could be mad at just her. Her uncle had a part in this too. Again, she was not blaming anyone else for her actions, but she loved him just as much as she had loved him.

"He's in my car" she said interrupted Sasha speech on betraying an old friend.

"What I thought you said he was dead?" Sasha said in a very confused voice. "How many lies are you going to tell?"

Tonya got up slowly and walked to the front door. She felt her body slowly wanting to give up as she pulled the door open and walked out. As the trunk opened, she saw Sasha was standing in the door.

"He's in the trunk, bitch you crazy and you about to get it." Laughed Sasha.

Tonya said nothing and pulled a black box with a gold plate on the top out of the trunk. The plate read 'Jodas T. Armon Sr.' on the front. She rubbed her hand over the plate and began to break down and cry. Tonya sat on the ground and cried. To Sasha it felt like forever. She did not know how to feel, she walked toward Tonya and helped her up. They both walked into the house and Sasha took the book and sat it on the table. She sat there staring at it, it was all she could do knowing that her uncle was in a box on the table was very nerve wrecking and still very unbelievable.

Sasha got up from the couch and walked over to the bar. She poured herself a cup of scotch and before she knew it the cup was gone. She poured herself to more cups, downed them both and walked into her room. Sasha sat on her bed and began to cry. So many things were going through her head. How was it that he had not told her any of this? They were so close, or were they? She started thinking about everything, how could so many people be okay with keeping secrets from her? She laid there in her bed frozen, tears running down her face. Today was not going to be a good day and the day had just begun.

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