Chapter 19:

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Tomeka was having fun with James learning of everything she needed to know about running a business. Her and James had been spending a lot of time together and she was wondering when she was going to be able to meet the head of a company. But at some point, she had forgotten about him and begin to focus on James. Besides, he was never there, and James always was. She was in good hands with him but some part of her wondered when he was going to let her meet the man who gave her such great opportunity, knowing she was not experienced at all.

James has been there through everything she was going through lately, and she did not mind. She done everything he asked of her and he had done everything she asked of him. There was no reason why she could not at least try to give him a chance. She has filed for divorce and soon it was going to be final, and all she could think about was being free. Free of lies, free of being in a relationship that wasn't really a relationship at all. Free of being married to a drug dealer with nothing better to do then put another woman over her. She was happy to be free.

"Have dinner with me?" He asked in a greatly confident voice.

She turned, looked at him and smiled. "sure."

"I want you to know though, that this is not just any dinner. There is something I need to share with you, and I hope you don't think differently of me" he said with a hopeful look.

"I understand and I have been so happy lately I don't think there is nothing you can do right now to change that." replied Tomeka.

They both said their goodbyes, promised to meet in the lounge and went their separate ways. Tomeka had butterflies, she wondered what he had to tell her. He had spoiled her a lot lately. Since the day she became the manager of the hotel. All they did was spend time together when he wasn't home any way. She wondered if he was single. He never mentioned anyone else. Never said he was in love, never spoke of every finding it. Really, she couldn't remember hearing him say anything about kids or his life period. Maybe he did not want to talk about it.

She sat in the mirror fixing her makeup. She made sure it was the kind with glitter and made sure it shined. Much like her personality. She giggled to herself. She could her him now telling her how beautiful she was in the moon light. She chose a gown from the collection the owner of the hotel had given her for some reason that one of those dresses would make this evening prefect.

She walked over to the mirror and gasped at the very sight of herself. For the first time in an exceedingly long time, she felt beautiful. She felt a tear roll down her cheek. She didn't even try to wipe it off. These tears were her last, she was finally happy with how she looked. Happy with her life, this man had almost taken every bit of pain away. She did not think it was possible, but she thought, she felt, love again.

She walked into the lounge and stood right where she could look up at the sky light. Soon she walked out to the balcony and stared up at the stars. They were so beautiful; this night was beautiful. There was nothing more amazing then looking up into a dark, cloudless night watching the stars shine. Every star unique, shining more beautiful than ever. She almost felt like they were shining for her. This moment was hers and she would always remember it.

James walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. She felt his warmth and turned around to a box he was holding in his hand. She covered her mouth and looked up at him.

"What's this" she said with a shiver in her voice.

"Please open it" he said calmly extended the box to her.

She reached for the box and opened it as he held it in his hand. It was a bracelet and it looked as if they matched the earrings, she had gotten from the hotel owner. She looked at him and looked at the bracelet.

"I don't understand" she said.

"Please look closer, this bracelet will tell you everything you need to know"

She slowly picked up the bracelet. Admiring the way, it shined in the moon light. She put it on her wrist and told him to help her put it on. As soon as she turned her wrist around, he stopped.

"Wait" she said softly "there's something on it...its engraved?" She said in a confused voice.

'Today, tomorrow, the next day FOREVER'

He reached out to her and kissed her. Tomeka almost melted from his arms. She embraced the kiss and pulled him closer to her. She felt it everything in that moment, she felt all the love she had for him. How was it that she had not known? Was she so blind to think that a common man could have so much power? She pulled back from his powerful hold.

"It was you, this whole time! You had been there the whole time. I can't believe it "she said with tears in her eyes.

"I was not going to come right out and asked you to be with me. You were in distress no man would have ever gotten your attention that way" he said with a meaningful smile.

"You did" Tomeka replied with a smile.

She reached for his face and pulled him close to her and kissed him deeply. At that very moment they both noticed how much Tomeka's phone had been ringing. She looked at him and he told her to check it. It was Terrence.

"Oh no!" she yelled "please I have to go, I need to go to the hospital with my husband, his mother is there, and she just died."

"I'll get you there" he said quickly

"But my husband...James" Tomeka exclaimed.

He cut her off before she could finish. "Please let me do this for you, I have a gun in my car I'll use it if I have to, if it's important to you then it's important for me." He said with a serious voice.

They got in the car and raced to the hospital. She did not know what James was thinking, but she knew that the only reason she was even letting Terrence mess up this beautiful moment, was because that woman who had given birth to him had been there for her through everything Terrence put her through. She made sure James understood that. She made sure that he knew that this was not for Terrence at all and they would continue their night.

Once they made it on the street the hospital was on, they noticed the police were there. He parked the car, helped Tomeka out and they walked inside the hospital together. Tomeka asked the nurse where she could find her mother in law. She walked down the hall to where she saw a room that was crowded with people she did not know. She did not walk in yet. She had to stomach what she saw. Was she dead? His mother was gone?

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