2. Reunion

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"So if you had to pick one, what would it be?" Jack asked me seriously. "No pancakes for the rest of your life, or no doughnuts."

I looked at him, horrified. "That is just not a world worth living in, my friend," I replied, semi-serious.

"Even if I was in it?" he joked, bumping my shoulder. 

"Even if you were in it," I repeated. 

He blew out a breath and shook his head. "I don't know why I expected a different answer from you. You think with your stomach, not your heart."

"The stomach is more important."

He smiled and dug his hands in his pockets. We were walking towards Mia's house. After I had gotten changed in to my typical summer attire back at the house; jeans and a yellow tank top with my trusty Converses, I had given her a call. She had said yes immediately about going to the swimming pool today, so we were now on our way to meet her. 

Jack had two bags slung over his shoulder; one with his swim stuff and one with mine. I'd offered to carry mine, but he'd just shushed me and grabbed it off me to hold. He was a jerk most of the time, but he had his little moments. It took us barely ten minutes to get there. Jack and I spent the whole time arguing about who was the best superhero. I voted for Superman, but Jack voted for Spiderman. There was just no reasoning with the boy. 

As we began walking up Mia's front path, I couldn't help but marvel at her house, even though I'd seen it numerous times before. Her parents were both doctors, so they were pretty well off. It had a grand front door and big arched windows either side. 

"Puts our houses to shame, huh?" Jack joked, whistling appreciatively. 

Did I forget to mention that Jack and I were next door neighbours? It was how we met when we were little. I was playing in the front garden and I dropped my ice-cream. It was the worst moment of my life and I was in the middle of having a mental breakdown, when this strange kid ran up and handed me an ice lolly. He smiled, then ran back across our lawn and on to the neighbouring one and disappeared in to the house next door. Ever since that day, we had been pretty much inseparable. 

"It is nice," I agreed, "But I'm quite happy with my little house."

"Me too," Jack affirmed. 'We've got pretty great neighbours."

Suddenly, the front door burst open and Mia came running out towards us. Her normally pale skin had a hint of a tan and her brown hair looked like it had gotten a shade lighter. No doubt from all the Florida sun. She had on a white sundress and sandals and she grinned as she bounded up and wrapped her arms around my neck. I was almost knocked off my feet, but I felt a strong hand on my back keeping me upright. I glanced up at Jack in thanks, before wrapping my arms around Mia and giving her a tight squeeze. 

"It's so good to see you," she said affectionately, before taking a step back and giving Jack a quick hug. 

"Its feels like forever!" I said. 

He patted Mia's back awkwardly and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. For some reason, if he hugged anyone that wasn't me, he just seemed really awkward. It was fun to watch for me, though. 

"How was your flight?" Jack asked. 

"Oh, you know," Mia waved her hand. "Nine hour flight and they had no decent movies to watch, so I ended up watching some action film about a bus or something."

"A bus?" I asked.

"Yeah, some guy was going to blow up a bus and some other guy had to stop it?"

"Speed?" Jack said instantly, a grin spreading over his face. "That is the best film ever. You were lucky they were showing it."

"I know Speed!" I nodded, pointing at Jack. "Isn't that the one we watched a few weeks ago when you bought it over to mine with a 1kg bag of popcorn. You know, I still have some of that left in my room."

My Best Friend, Jack ✓Where stories live. Discover now