4. Pizza Madness

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I waved goodbye to Mia as she got out of the car and then disappeared inside her house. It was just me, Jack and my dad left. He had picked us all up and dropped Nick and Mia home. 

"So did you all have fun?" He asked, pulling out in to the road and heading towards home. 

"It was great, Mr S," Jack said from the backseat. 

"Yeah, a great way to end the summer."

"Well you've still got tomorrow left," he said, "But I suppose that will be making sure you've got everything ready for school. It's an important year, your last one." 

I ignored his eyes as he looked at me, the typical fatherly look that was proud, but a little sad at the same time. I'd heard it a million times about how his only daughter was growing up too fast. I never knew what to say so I just shrugged and gave him an awkward thumbs up. I don't think he ever expected anything more from me now and I was grateful when he changed the subject. 

"How's basketball going, Jack? Have you been practising this summer?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "Everyday. Although your daughter keeps tempting me away with movies and sweets. It's hard to resist all the time."

He chuckled knowingly. "Tell me about it. I never knew having a daughter would mean an extra three inches on my waistline."

"Try being the best friend," Jack laughed, reaching forward and squeezing my shoulders. 

I grabbed his hands and squeezed as hard as I could. 


"Oops, sorry," I sad innocently, looking back at him. "It was an accident."

He arched a brow at me. "It's never an accident with you."

I laughed and turned back around in my seat. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my dad glancing at me, a twinkle in his eye. I'd never noticed before, but his sandy blonde hair had now begun showing specks of grey. But he still wasn't bad for a forty-six year old. He could still keep up with me when we went out cycling together with my brother. My brother could never keep up with us, but that's a whole other story. 

"Ava, did you want to stay over tonight?" Jack asked suddenly from behind. "We could have another movie marathon, if that's okay with you Mr S?"

I looked at my dad, putting on a pouting face. I knew he could never resist. 


"Why not?" I pouted again. "Come on, it's Saturday night."

He blew out an exasperated breath and tapped the steering wheel a few times before rolling his eyes. "Fine, but I want you straight home in the morning. We need to go in to town and buy you a few last minute supplies for school. And I know your mother wants to spend some time with you before you go back. Maybe go out for lunch."

"Absolutely," I nodded. "I'll be home at 10am."

He side-eyed me. "Make it 9am and you've got yourself a deal."

"Don't worry Mr S," Jack patted his shoulder. "If she's not awake, I've got plenty of water balloons left."

I turned around and swatted his shoulder as we pulled up outside the house. "I'll be over at 6, is that cool?"

"Yeah sounds good, we can order pizza."

"This night just keeps getting better and better," I said, as we all climbed out the car. 

"See you later, nugget," Jack grinned, starting to jog up his front path. "Thanks for the lift Mr S."

"No worries, Jack. See you soon."

My Best Friend, Jack ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora