29. Who, What, Where, When?

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Jack had just kissed me. My best friend had just kissed me. Caleb was kissing somebody else. 

My mind was going in to complete overdrive and I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't dare look over my shoulder out of fear that Jack would follow me. I wasn't scared of him, I was more scared of myself. Not only had Jack kissed me, but I'd kissed him back. I couldn't quite comprehend how my night had just turned in to such a complicated mess. 

Feeling out of breath, I slowed my sprint to a walk and shook my arms out. Street lamps lined the dark sidewalk and there were fewer people out now. I realised that I had run all the way to the centre of town. I didn't even remember getting there. All I could think about was Jack. And Caleb. 


His face flashed to the forefront of my mind. He'd been kissing Missy. I fought back the tears as I wondered how long it had been going on. I thought back to all those times that he insisted he was only ever interested in me. I guess I was too stupid to see through his lies. I was angry at him, sure, but I was more angry at myself. The tears slowly turned to anger and I clenched my fists at my sides and let out a frustrated scream. A car drove past and the driver turned her head to stare at me. 

I ignored her as I made my way in to the park on Main Street. It was empty except for an older couple walking their dog. I took a seat on one of the benches and took a deep, calming breath. My mind switched from Caleb to Jack and I closed my eyes, remembering the way he'd kissed me. His lips had felt so soft and I touched my hand to my cheek, remembering the way he'd caressed me there with his thumb and cupped my face. It was like I could still feel his touch. 

I was angry, confused, hurt, frustrated and at a complete loss of what to do. As I sat there quietly, completely lost in my own thoughts, my pocket started to vibrate. I reached in and pulled out my phone to see Caleb's name flash up. I pressed the reject button and put it back in to my pocket, not willing to talk to him. I knew how it would go; he'd apologise and expect me to forgive him but I was done. He wasn't even the one I couldn't stop thinking about. 

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, Jack's deep blue eyes flashing to the forefront of my mind. Why did he kiss me? Why did he just jeopardise our friendship?

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I just sat there on the bench for a while, lost in my own thoughts. The breeze picked up and grew in to a cold wind and I began shivering. I looked at my watch and realised that it was almost midnight. I had been sat there for almost two hours. I hand't even realised. It felt like I'd only sat on the bench five minutes ago. I was too distracted to even think straight. 

Wrapping my arms around myself, I stood up and began the walk home. The whole way there, all I could think about was Caleb's lips on Missy's, and the electric blue eyes that watched me with protectiveness through it all. 

My parents and brother were already asleep when I got home. I tiptoed quietly up to my room and collapsed in to bed, not even finding enough energy to get undressed. I pulled the cover up to my chin and stared at the ceiling. 


I woke up early the next morning. I wasn't even really sure that I'd actually slept. My eyes felt sore and bloodshot and my head was throbbing. I dragged myself out of bed and quickly changed in to a pair of jean shorts and a green sweatshirt. Tying my hair in to a ponytail, I ambled down the stairs and walked in to the kitchen. I was hoping that my family had gone out somewhere, as I really didn't want to talk to anybody. To my disappointment, I saw my Dad stood at the cooker, frying up some eggs. 

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