19. Through someone else's eyes

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The next day, I sat with Mia in gym class. We weren't actually in the gym this time, we were outside sat at the edge of the field. We were told by Mrs Gordon that we would be spending our last couple of gym sessions before break running track. I definitely preferred being outside over being stuck in some stuffy, old gym. The day was a bit overcast and very cloudy, but still quite warm. Perfect running weather. 

"Pair up, and let's get going" Mrs Gordon shouted, blowing the whistle harshly. I think she was obsessed with that thing. Mia and I jumped up and instinctively shuffled closer together. "These will be your running pairs from now on. You will support each other, run side by side and pick them up if they fall. Got it?"

"Yes, Miss!" We all echoed together. 

I saw Britney standing on her own, a sad look on her face. She looked around but everyone was already in their pair. Missy and Dana stood to the side, sniggering and laughing. I glared at them before waving Britney over with a smile. 

"Come and join us," I smiled warmly. "I'm sure Mia will need two pairs of hands to drag her around the track."

"Hey!" She guffawed, holding her hand to her chest in mock despair. After a beat of hesitation, she waved it dismissively. "Oh who am I kidding? I know it's true."

Britney laughed quietly and stood beside us, a grateful look on her face. "Thanks," she mumbled. 

We stood there and listened as Mrs Gordon rattled off the rules. Who knew there were so many rules to run around a track? My eyes glazed over as I tried to pay attention. I could tell that Mia and Britney were also struggling to look interested, as was the rest of the class. We all began to stretch and limber up at the instruction of Mrs Gordon. We were at it for a good fifteen minutes, before she set us off doing laps in our pairs. We were second to last which was probably for the best. I didn't feel any pressure to keep up the pace like the students at the front, not that we stood a chance with Mia. She was not the most athletically gifted person, to say the least.

As Mrs Gordon blew her whistle yet again, Mia, Britney and I began our slow jog. It was so slow, we might as well just have been walking. At least I was in for an easy half hour. 

"So how was your dinner last night?" Mia breathed, flicking a loose strand of hair out of her face. 

"How did you know I had a dinner thing?"

"I overhead Jack and Nick talking about it in the corridor this morning. Jack sounded like he had a pretty decent time, even though it was with your parents." Mia pulled a face. 

I nodded and grinned. "Yeah, it was pretty great. Just nice to relax, you know."

"Do you mean Jack Murphy?" Britney asked beside us, a nervous smile on her lips. "You're friends with him?"

"Yeah, he's like my best friend. My brother from another mother." I grinned lop-sidedly as Mia glared at me. "But you're my best girl-friend. Who else could I ask about fashion advice!?" 

"Nice save," she muttered, unamused. 

I rolled my eyes and glanced at Britney. "Why do you ask?"

She shrugged, a blush creeping up her neck and spreading across her cheeks. "He's really cute."

"Cute?" I repeated. "Jack?"

She nodded vigorously as we turned the corner. I noticed that we were getting further and further behind from most of the class. As Britney began chatting to Mia about Jack, I couldn't help but think about him. I mean, I wasn't blind. I knew he was a cute in a boyish, surfer-dude kind of way. I had just never really thought about it before. Obviously other girls found him cute, Olivia and Britney included. I ignored the weird feeling in my gut and carried on jogging, my mind wondering. 

My Best Friend, Jack ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz