26. Triumph

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I watched the game between my fingers, nervously. The first half was electric. The other team were on fire, almost literally. They shot across the court quicker than any other players I'd seen. They passed the ball between each other with unwavering accuracy and their supporters cheered loudly when they advanced in front, leaving our team trailing behind. I could see when the game entered its' half time break that all of our players were tired, especially Jack and Nick. 

They'd both sat on the bench with their heads between their knees, their chests heaving. The rest of the team didn't look much better. I cringed as the coach waved his arms animatedly, trying to force some life in to his players. They looked just about ready to give up. 

During the break, I'd sat down with Mia and Caleb and shook my head defeatedly. "I don't know if we're going to win this," I said sadly.

"There's still time," Mia argued, rubbing her knees with her hands nervously. "They can pull it back in the last half."

"Absolutely," Caleb agreed.

We watched as the cheerleaders had marched on the court and begun the half time dance. I rested my chin on my hand and watched as Missy, Dana and Olivia, along with the rest of the squad spun across the floor and got thrown in to the air to loud cheers. I secretly wished that somebody would drop Missy and she'd land on her face. I didn't happen though and I tried to hide my disappointment. 

As Missy took her place in the centre and begun twirling her arms, I glanced at Caleb. He was watching with rapt attention and I rolled my eyes. The crowd continued to cheer and I looked over at Jack. He wasn't paying any attention to the cheerleaders at all, not even Olivia. In fact, he looked utterly miserable. He was drenched in sweat and he doused a bottle of water over his head, matting down his hair. 

"I'm going to get a drink," I said to Mia and Caleb. "Do you guys want anything?"

"No, I'm good," Mia said. 

"I'll take a coke, if you don't mind?" Caleb asked. 

"Sure thing."

I shuffled past, struggling to get past Caleb's long legs and knees. I felt him place his hands on my hips and gently guide me past him. I smiled at him in thanks before reaching the end of the row and jumping down the steps. I caught sight of Britney and waved. She waved back, a big grin on her face. At least somebody was enjoying the game. I wandered over to the stall at the far side of the room. Some students had set it up, organised by the principle. They just sold cold drinks and a few snacks. I dug in to my pocket and realised I only had enough for two drinks and nothing to eat. The thought made me a little sad. 

After I ordered two cokes, I was walking back to the seats when I was met by Missy and Olivia. I hadn't even noticed that the blaring music had stopped and the crowd had started mumbling amongst themselves. I looked them up and down discreetly. They were wearing the official school colours, a bright blue and yellow. Their mini skirts barely covered their butt cheeks and the yellow crop tops reached just above their belly button. Their hair was tied up with a yellow ribbon and they also had the letters S and V painted on their cheeks. 

I smiled awkwardly and tried to shoulder past them. They didn't even attempt to move, so I sighed loudly, taking a step back and trying not to spill the drinks. 


"I just wanted to check that you were still coming to my party?" Missy asked sweetly. 

I cocked my eyebrow. Why was she so interested? It was getting a little weird. "I guess so," I shrugged. 

"Are you bringing Caleb?" She asked. 

I felt my temperature rising as I glared at her. "Yes, I'm going with Caleb, Nick, Jack and Mia. What's it to you?"

My Best Friend, Jack ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant