20. A Storm is Coming

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After detention was over, Caleb and I went to grab some food on the way home. There was a burger van parked up in a little side street, so we ordered some food and ate it on the bench nearby. It was getting cloudier and darker, but I ignored it as we sat happily.  I probably didn't need to eat anything else as I had a gourmet feast in detention, but I was never going to turn down an opportunity for more food. I told Caleb what Missy had done to Britney during gym but he just stayed quiet, listening intently. It gave me the perfect opportunity to rant and rave about how I was sick of people who thought the world owed them something. At the end of the day, we're all just flesh and blood. 

"You're cute when you're angry," he smiled, kissing me on the end of my nose as we said goodbye. 

As I walked home, I kept thinking about what Missy had done to Britney, and also the fact that Caleb had gotten detention just to be with me. I couldn't believe that I had ever thought he would be interested in somebody like Missy. Granted, even I could admit that she was absolutely stunning, but she was rotten to the core on the inside. I smiled giddily at the memory of his soft lips pressed against mine, his hand on my knee. I ached for it again, to be touched like that. 

Before I knew it, I was home. Knowing I was about to be questioned on why I was so late, I trudged up the path slowly and held my breath as I opened the door. As per the usual routine, I dropped my bag at the bottom of the stairs and wandered in to the kitchen. It really was everyone's favourite room in the house. It felt like I practically lived in there for most of the evening. I poked my head in to the living room on the way in and said 'hi' to Ethan. He barely acknowledged me and just grunted in response. It was the one time I actually wanted to have a conversation with him, just to delay the inevitable talk with my parents. They were going to flip out because I was in detention. 

Hearing hushed voices in the garden, I walked over to the open patio doors and saw mum and dad sat down on the chairs on the patio. The sky looked dark overhead. There were two glasses of wine on the table between them. They both looked up as I stood in front of them. 

"Hi," I said casually. "How's it going?"

Dad glanced at his watch pointedly, I guess to make a point. "What time do you call this?" he asked. "You know I don't mind you staying out after school, just give us a heads up, is all."

"We're your parents, it's our job to worry about you," my mum echoed, taking a sip of wine. 

"Sorry," I mumbled, feeling a little bit guilty. Some would say they were overprotective, but I get it. They were just looking out for me, even though sometimes it could be a little suffocating. 

"So?" Dad asked, expectantly. "Where were you?"

I cleared my throat and looked at the floor. There had been numerous occasions lately where I'd wished for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. This was one of those occasions. "I was, uh, in detention. And then I grabbed some food with Caleb after."

I waited for the onslaught, but it never came. They both sat calmly, staring up at me. Dad took a sip from his glass and sighed loudly. "What did you do?" He sounded more disappointed than angry and it felt a whole lot worse. 

"This girl pushed my friend," I said quickly, waving my arms around." And she fell down and really hurt her ankle. So I ran after her and pushed her back."

My dad nodded his head slowly, staring at me. "Is it your responsibility to fight this girl's battles?"

"No, but - "

He held his hand up. "No matter what happens, you don't sink to other people's levels. It's just not worth it."

"I know, but - "

My Best Friend, Jack ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora