Kakamora Attack

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Maui pulled out the spear and gasped as he recognized it.


"Kaka…what?" Mohan asked.

"Murdering little pirates. Wonder what they're here for." Maui said giving Mohan a look.

The Kakamora ship got closer to their canoe and three of them were seen at the front, leading the army.

"They're kind of cute." [Y/n] said.

Then the Kakamora turned on their angry faces, prepping to attack, as their leader pointed to the heart of Te Fiti.

"Ocean do something, help us." Mohan said panicking.

"The ocean doesn't help you, you help yourself." Maui started barking out orders. (I have no idea what he says here.)

Maui looked back and saw that [Y/n] was the only one doing as he ordered, Mohan stood there confused.

"You can't sail?" Maui asked shocked.

"I…I am self taught?" Mohan answered nervously.

Maui gave him an unimpressed look and yanked the sail, making them speed up. But the Kakamora caught up to them.

"Can't you shape shift or something?" [Y/n] asked desperately.

"Do you see my hook? No magic hook, no magic powers." Maui answered as Mini Maui confirmed it by doing a charade of losing his own hook.

The Kakamora threw more spears with rope attached to them, yanking their boat back. The three started removing the ropes but then stopped, when they saw The Kakamora ship get bigger.

"Their boat…is turning into more boats." Mohan said freaking out. Maui continued to pull out the spears The Kakamora we're using to get on the boat, while Mohan and [Y/n] struggled with their first one. Then Mohan managed to get his out.

"Yup, I just did that." He said bragging, smiling at [Y/n] who rolled her eyes.

The Kakamora started piling into the boat, and one started fighting with Mohan for his necklace. Then the heart popped out and Heihei swallowed it.

"Heihei!" Mohan exclaimed as he tried to get to the chicken. "[Y/n]!"

The girl turned to him as she was also trying to fight off The Kakamora.

"Heihei swallowed the heart!"

"He what? Oh that stupid chicken." She tried to catch him, but The Kakamora caught him first, taking him back to their ship.

"Maui they took the heart!" Mohan exclaimed. Maui looked back to The Kakamora ship and saw that they took the chicken.

"They stole the chicken." Maui said confused

"The heart is in the… Urgh! We have to get it back." [Y/n] said frustrated.

Maui looked around thinking of a plan, then smirked doing the infamous call. "Cha whoo!" Then he turned the boat around and went back to the ship.

Mohan grabbed an oar, and took one of the spears, swinging to The Kakamora ship. He stopped smirking when he saw what they were.


He started fighting them off as the leader kept ordering more of them to attack him. They started throwing darts at him as he dodged them. Back at the boat, [Y/n] took one of the extra spears and threw it, hitting the leader square in the boat, making him drop. Thanks to the distraction, Mohan grabbed Heihei and swinged back to the canoe, The Kakamora missing him an inch. Mohan smacked into Maui as he landed in the canoe, making Heihei spit the heart out.

"Hah…got it!" [Y/n] cheered as she grabbed it.

The Kakamora shops started surrounding them again, then Maui yanked both boats holding the sail and they went faster until they narrowly missed The Kakamora ship, making them crash into each other.

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